Online Romanian Course Training held with the support of ANTEM

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Charity Centre for Refugees, partner of UNHCR in Moldova, supports Romanian classes for refugees twice per week at Pedagogical University Ion Creanga and once per week at Temporary Accommodation Centre. In addition, on 29th of May 2017, Charity Centre for Refugees hosted a training for refugees to inform them how to access and follow an Online Romanian Course. National Asociation of EuropeanTrainers in Moldova (ANTEM), that created this course, carried out this training in which participated around 28 refugees and they had the support of CCR’s staff and EVS volunteer. Our refugees received access to this e-learning platform and the basics to start to use this platform.
Know one of the languages speaking in Moldova is one of the most important steps to become integrated in the Moldovan society. The high participation in the training shows the interest of these people to learn the language, which will facilitate their life in Moldova as well as the possibility of getting a job and their integration in general.

Miriam Lorenzo Prieto, EVS volunteer from Spain