Я біженець

I am a Moldovan and am hosting Ukrainian refugees

One-time cash payments will be made available for households currently hosting at least two refugees from Ukraine. The cash assistance intervention is managed by the World Food Programme (WFP) and its partners. The financial assistance is aimed at covering additional costs for food and other essential needs.

Each eligible household will receive MDL 3.500 (USD 190)

For more information, please visit this website

Official WFP Hotline: +373 60 865 841 (phone & Viber calls)

Do not send your ID documents over Viber, as WFP is not requesting identity documents or personally identifying information over Viber

Moldovan citizens receiving refugees and in need of assistance from international organizations, local and central authorities are invited to register at this link –

After registration, please provide the ticket number to the accepted refugees so that they can also register.

This option is intended for refugees ( and members of their families who live with a Moldovan citizen and wish to register in the system to receive assistance from local authorities, the government and international organizations.

Я біженець і хочу приїхати до Молдови

Усі точки синього кольору на цій карті є пунктами пропуску в Молдову. 

Ось час очікування, оновлений у кожному пункті пропуску

✅ Simplified crossing procedure for persons with disabilities of groups I and II:
1. During a state of emergency or martial law, persons with disabilities of groups I and II, regardless of age, may cross the state border of Ukraine in the presence of one of the following documents:
– references to the act of inspection by the medical and social expert commission
– a certificate confirming the relevant status, a pension certificate or a certificate confirming the appointment of social assistance in accordance with the laws of Ukraine
– certificates for benefits to persons with disabilities who are not entitled to a pension or social assistance
2. Together with each person with disabilities of groups I and II, who needs constant care, it is allowed to cross the border to one of the family members of the first degree of kinship, who has reached 18 years of age, or another person who has reached 18 years of age care in accordance with the law.
Document for such a person: certificate, certificate of compensation (benefits, allowances) for care.
3. A person with a disability who has been declared incapacitated or has limited legal capacity may be accompanied by one guardian, trustee or family member of the first degree of kinship who has reached the age of 18.

а) для повнолітніх – національний документ, що посвідчує особу (посвідчення особи), закордонний паспорт;

б) для неповнолітніх – свідоцтво про народження/свідоцтво яке підтверджує народження дитини, видане медичним закладом, національний документ, що посвідчує особу (посвідчення особи), закордонний паспорт. При перетині кордону діти, які не мають при собі документів, але в супроводі батьків, мають право на перетин кордону після завершення формальностей з Головною інспекцією прикордонної поліції.

При перетині кордону діти, які не мають при собі документів, але в супроводі батьків, мають право на перетин кордону після завершення формальностей з Головною інспекцією прикордонної поліції.

Прикордонні органи допускають перетин кордону дітей без супроводу, а також дітей у супроводі дорослих, які не є членами сім’ї неповнолітнього.

При перетині державного кордону з молдавської сторони довіреність (декларація згоди) не потрібна для неповнолітніх дітей, якщо їх супроводжує лише один із батьків.

Так. Іноземні громадяни, які прибувають з України, звільняються від вимоги мати в’їзну візу, яка за звичайних обставин була б потрібна.

Біженці з України мають право в’їжджати до Республіки Молдова з домашніми тваринами без пред’явлення ветеринарних свідоцтв або паспортів.

Свідоцтво про вакцинацію чи тест не потрібні.

Так, але водій зобов’язаний оформити обов’язкове страхування відповідальності за шкоду, заподіяну автотранспортом протягом 24 годин з моменту перетину державного кордону. Вимога щодо наклейок призупинена на час дії надзвичайного стану. Ви можете придбати страховку, наприклад, тут

Тим, хто проїжджає через Молдову транзитом (менше 24 годин), не потрібно купувати Грін-карту, а вже на кордоні з Румунією необхідно оформити прикордонну страховку. Прикордонне страхування, укладене в Румунії, діє в усіх державах Європейської економічної зони та в Швейцарії на протязі 30 днів.

На кордоні мають бути  автобуси

Якщо ні, запитайте в цих групах у телеграмі:


Я біженець і прибув до Молдови

Гаряча лінія допомоги біженцям з України – 080001527

The state identification number of a natural person (IDNP / IDNP) is the main official identifier of a person on the territory of the Republic of Moldova. IDNP / IDNP is required for interaction with government agencies in order to:

  • use government services
  • when applying for a job
  • enrollment of children in kindergarten or school
  • when opening a bank account
  • registering your own company, etc.

To obtain an IDNP / IDNP, enter personal data from an identity document of a citizen of Ukraine (this can be a foreign passport, internal identity card or birth certificate).

Obtain a state identification number of an individual (IDNP)

State identification number (IDNP / IDNP) is valid upon presentation of an identity card, on the basis of which this number was assigned.

IDNP / IDNP is issued based on data from the Public Services Agency (ASP). In the case of citizens of Ukraine, these data are entered immediately in the process of crossing the state border of the Republic of Moldova.

The resulting statement can be easily downloaded as a PDF file.

If IDNP / IDNP was not found

If IDNP / IDNP for some reason cannot be found through the portal, you should personally contact one of the multifunctional centers of the Public Services Agency (ASP).

All contacts can be found here  or at the Bureau for Migration and Asylum

Contacts for all questions regarding IDNP / IDNP:
Public Services Agency for calls from Moldova 14909
Public Services Agency for calls from other countries +373 22 257 070
Bureau for Migration and Asylum Hotline, 24/7 0 800 015 27

All information on UNHCR’s cash assistance program can be found here

You can register for an appointment here

You can come at our center, we will distribute food according to your needs and the products we have

We are out of Linellas coupons for the moment


Food for kids

Free baby food kits for children under 3 years old

Distribution of infant formula in Chisinau (1,2,3,4 and lactose-free)

Distribution of food packages


Refugees in Chisinau (but not housed in placement centers) can request food and non-food packages, following the steps below:
☎️Call 0800 800 11 Green Line and communicate the list of necessary things / products
👩‍💼Colleagues from the Green Line will address the refugee request of the volunteer team, who will prepare the package with all the products listed
🤳The refugee person will receive an SMS on his / her phone number which will contain a unique code and the address of the collection center to which he / she will come to pick up the package
📃In the collection center it is mandatory to present an identity card of the refugee (usually the passport) and the unique code received by sms.
‼ ️Warning: Without first calling the green line and following the steps above, refugees do not have to go to the collection centers with requests because there is a possibility that not all the necessary products will be stored on the spot.
⭕️NOTE: This mechanism only works for Chisinau. For refugees hosted by Moldovan citizens in other cities and villages, they must go to the town halls, and they, in turn, will direct the requests to the Single Crisis Management Center, which will ensure that they respond in a timely manner.

Asconi Winery (Reception +37379972285). 30% discount

Trei Pastori – 11 rooms: double/triple. Free accommodation. (Irina +37369833600).

Hanul lui Haganu – 8 rooms. 50% discount. (Emilia +37369 288332)

Eco Resort Butuceni – accommodation. (Olesea +37379617870)

MUZE – 5 rooms. 15% discount. (Reception +37369341513)

Château Vartely – free accommodation. (Reception +37368500555)

Purcari – free accommodation.(+37360121221; +37360909005)

Castel Mimi – free accommodation.(Reception +37326501893)

Regency Hotel – 50 E single/60 E double. (Reception +37322999100;+37322237095)

Gagauz Sofras – 2 rooms. (Reception +37369128404; +37360534969; +37360533112)

Vila Roz – 9 rooms. Discount on accommodation and meals – 50%. (Reception +37360165777)

Casa din Lunca – 3 free rooms for families with children. (Reception +37379455100)

Conacul Mierii – free accommodation. (Reception +37369572511)

La Iepurasi – free accommodation and meals. (Reception +37379699555)

Eco Village Valeni – free accommodation. (Reception +37379017151)

Zavoiul Nistrului (+373772209)

Lido Lux HOTEL (+37323178405; +37369301053)

Hotel Bălți (+37323161219)

Bucuria Sind (+37360795193)

Căminul Meridian Bălți

You can call the hotline: 0 800 015 27

We hand out clothes at our center


Рятуєтесь від війни в Україні? Шукаєте житло в Молдові?
🏠У партнерстві з МОМ надає безкоштовне до 30 днів приватне житло сім’ям, які рятуються від війни в Україні, і виїхали після 24 лютого 2022 року. Якщо вам терміново потрібне місце для сну, будь ласка, зв’яжіться з Представництвом МОМ у Молдові, надіславши електронний лист із вашим ім’ям, номером телефону та кількістю осіб, які потребують житла, на адресу, або зателефонуйте нам за номером +373 (0) 68 42 9446, пн-пт з 9:00 до 18:00. Під час реєстрації вас попросять надати документ, що посвідчує особу, та деяку особисту інформацію.

❗️МОМ не стягує ніяких зборів за свою допомогу і не запитуватиме інформацію, пов’язану з банківськими рахунками.

✅Ця допомога також доступна в Румунії, Польщі, Словаччині та Угорщині. Якщо вам потрібне житло в одній із цих країн, зв’яжіться з МОМ, надіславши електронного листа на адресу


Visit the Dopomoga website 

■ Casa Buna, Milano 12, Chisinau

■ Salvation Army Moldova, Petru Movila 12, Chisinau, 022 237 972

Map of second hand stores in Chisinau

Association “Christianska Dopomoga” offers assistance with housing to all refugees in need

Shelter in Chisinau

999 Housing for refugees

999 Help for Refugees

Interactive map of housing in Moldova and Romania, where they are ready to accept refugees


Airbnb Refugee Program

Ukraine Take Shelter

As well as all these other groups :

Moldova for Peace Working Group of Volunteers under the Government of the Republic of Moldova

Group “Help to Ukrainians in Moldova”

Search group for missing people in Ukraine

Ajutor ucraineni în Moldova / SOS Ukrainian Moldova

GBM Live Help Group

Help for refugees in Moldova


Information about refugees in Balti

TopEstate Refugee Assistance Center

Looking for/offering help

Help group Chisinau city

Viber Ajutor Ucraineni în Moldova /SOS Ukraine

Telegram Support UA From MD

Telegram Help for refugees from Ukraine

Telegram Help to citizens of Ukraine / Moldova Liberă

Telegram Help Ukrainians in Moldova

Telegram bot for finding housing and assistance in Moldova

Telegram Helping to leave UA

Telegram Ukraine – Moldova Help

Telegram Help Group for Refugees from Ukraine

Telegram Help for those in the South of Moldova

Gateway Detailed information on refugee assistance in several countries

Карта центрів

1Anenii Noiorașul Anenii Noi, str. Z.Cosmodimianscaia 5/330
2Anenii Nois. Bulboaca, Școala auxiliară Bulboaca38
3Anenii NoiAnenii Noi, Liceul Andrei Straistă38
4BasarabeascaȘcoala tehnică feroviară, str. Depoului, 460
5BălțiCăminul Universității de stat A. Russo, str. Ștefan cel Mare, 20, Bălți86
6Bălțior. Bălți, str. Pușkin 41, Centrul de educație a personalului medical și farmaceutic cu studii medii76
7Bălțistr. M. Sadoveanu, 1 Întreprinderea municipală Hotelul Bălți130
8Bălțistr. Victoriei 62A Instituția Publică Școala Profesională nr. 350
9Bricenior. Briceni, str. 28 martie nr. 2 (Centrul de creație)25
10CahulCăminul nr. 2 al Universității de Stat B.P. Hașdeu, str. Victoriei, nr. 5142
11CahulSanatoriul Nufărul alb, str. Nucilor nr. 1 mun. Cahul100
12CahulCentrul Maternal al DGASPF Cahul, str. Constantin Negruzzi, 133 Cahul24
13Cahulmun. Cahul Școala Sportivă150
14ChișinăuCentrul de plasament pentru persoane vârstnice și persoane cu dizabilități, str. Valea Rediului, 1660
15ChișinăuCentrul Republican Experimental, Protezare, Ortopedie și Reabilitare, str. Romană, 160
16ChișinăuCentrul Internațional de Expoziții ”MOLDEXPO”, str. Ghoiceilor 1470
17Chișinăustr. Studenților nr. 7/5 (Centrul de agrement „Patria- LukOil”230
18ChișinăuCentrul social regional „Renașterea”, mun. Chișinău, str. Melestiu nr. 20M28
19ChișinăuSanatoriul Provizoriu de Bază Întreprinderea de Stat ”SPB CONSTRUCTORUL” , str. Zelinski, 15, mun. Chișinău100
20ChișinăuCăminul Institutului de Științe ale Educației, str. Doina 104, mun. Chișinău176
21Chișinăucom. Stăuceni, str. Grătiești 9, Fundația Internațională din Moldova Calea fericirii45
22Chișinăucom. Stăuceni, str. Grătiești , 1 Complexul Sportiv Olimp25
23ChișinăuCăminul nr. 6 al Academiei de Studii Economice din Moldova, str. Albișoara 86/355
24ChișinăuComplexul Sportiv al Academiei de Studii Economice din Moldova, str. Albișoara 86/470
25ChișinăuCăminul Universității Tehnice a Moldovei str. Studenților 180
26ChișinăuCăminul Universității Tehnice a Moldovei str. Studenților 7/140
27ChișinăuCăminul Universității Tehnice a Moldovei str. Florilor, 4a40
28ChișinăuCăminul Universității Tehnice a Moldovei str. Florilor, 4b40
29ChișinăuCăminul 19 al Universității de Stat din Moldova, str. Florilor 4/6138
30ChișinăuBlocul de studii nr. 6 al Universității de Stat din Moldova, str. N. Testemițeanu 6400
31Chișinăustr. Grenoble, 163/5 (Direcția generală pentru protecția drepturilor copilului a CMC )25
32Chișinăustr. Anton Pann, 4 Întreprinderea de Stat Hotelul ZAREA100
33Chișinăumun. Chișinău, str. Malina Mică, nr. 68/2, (căminul nr. 2 al Universității de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie ”Nicolae Testemițanu”)200
34Chișinăumun. Chișinău, str. Mircești 22/4 A căminul studențesc al Universității Agrare de Stat din Moldova80
35Chișinăustr. Mușatinilor 1/2 Fundația „Regina Pacis”40
36Chișinăustr. Muncești 9, Fundația „DON BOSCO”100
37Chișinăustr. Dimineții nr. 4 AO Asociația Creștin Ortodoxă Oastea Domnului35
38Chișinăubd.Decebal 72/2 Centrul Sportiv de Pregătire a Loturilor Naționale a Ministerului Educației și Cercetării40
39ChișinăuBogdan Voievod, 8/1 Colegiul Tehnologic din Chișinău (căminul nr. 2)30
40Chișinăușos. Hîncești 29/1 Cultul religios și parte componentă Comunitatea Religioasă Biserica Creștină Penticostală ”Viața Nouă” din mun. Chișinău50
41ChișinăuBd. Mircea cel Bătrân 2, etajul 4 Asociația Obștească Pro valoare”60
42ChișinăuHristo Botev nr. 2 Instituția Publică Liceul Republican cu Profil Sportiv din subordinea Ministerului Educației și Cercetării30
43Chișinăumun. Chișinău, str. Mușatinilor 1 Fundația de binefacere Casa Providenței125
44CimișliaTabăra Asociației Obștești EL- ȘADAI120
45CimișliaLiceul Teoretic Ion Creangă, bd Ștefan cel Mare, 1525
46CimișliaLiceul Teoretic Mihai Eminescu, str. Mihai Eminescu, 4855
47Călărașisatul Bravicea, Biserica Creștină Evanghelică Baptistă ”Emanuel”30
48Călărașior. Călărași, str. Bojole 270
49Comrats. Congaz, str. Lenin, 72160
50ComratUTA Găgăuzia, sat. Copceac, str. Krupscaia 6230
51CriuleniCriuleni, 31 August, nr. 130, IP Școala Profesională din Criuleni220
52Criulenis. Slobozia Dușca, sediul SRL Olcriscom tabăra de odihnă Cristiano130
53Dondușenior. Dondușeni, str. Ștefan cel Mare, 30 (blocul administrativ al SA RED Nord)60
54Drochiaor. Drochia, str. Alexandru cel Bun, 2120
55Drochiasatul Ochiul Alb Centrul de zi și plasament pentru persoane în etate20
56Dubăsarisatul Coșnița, str. Prieteniei, 1, Î.M. Centrul de odihnă pentru copii și tineri „Prietenia”228
57Edinețs. Zăbriceni, Comunitatea religioasă Mănăstirea cu hramul „Nașterea Domnului”50
58Edinețor. Edineț, str. 31 August nr. 41 Comunitatea religioasă Biserica Creștină Evanghelică Penticostală ”Svet Miru” din orașul Edineț40
59Edinețstr. Alexandru cel Bun 18 „B” Asociația Obștească DEMOS22
60FăleștiCăminul de plasament temporar pentru refugiați în incinta căminului pentru elevi din or. Fălești, str. Ștefan cel Mare, nr. 280
61Floreștis. Ștefănești (Căminul de elevi de pe lângă Liceul Teoretic Ștefănești)40
62Floreștisat. Varvareuca, str. Școlii 2528
63GlodeniLiceul teoretic ,,V. Coroban”, or. Glodeni, str. Zgîrcea, nr.1280
64Glodenis. Fundurii Vechi, (Centrul Comunitar Multifuncțional „Armonie”)22
65HînceștiCentrul Creștin „SAREPTA” Sărata Galbenă, str. Emanuel 5150
66Hînceștis. Cărpineni, str. Gagarin 7150
67Hînceștis. Cărpineni, str. Independenței, 2320
68Hînceștisat. Bozieni str. Mihai Eminescu Biserica Creștină Evanghelică Baptistă ”Noul Legământ”100
69Ialovenisat. Costești, Clădirea fostului spital Costești100
70Ialovenisat. Costești, Asociația Utilizatorilor de Apă pentru Irigații ”Costești”145
71Ialoveniorașul Ialoveni str. Alexandru cel Bun 28, (localul Pizza del Savva)20
72Leovasatul Cupcui25
73Nisporenior. Nisporeni, Școala Profesională str. Suveranității 26100
74Ocnițafost Azil pentru persoane în vârstă și persoane cu dizabilități comuna Calarașovca60
75Orheisatul Neculaieuca (Grădinița Neculaieuca )20
76OrheiCentrul Comunitar Multifuncțional „Generația PRO” s. Peresecina20
77Orheisat. Ivancea (sediu ce aparține SA Moldtelecom)100
78Orheisatul Ivancea Complexul Sportiv și de Întremare ”MAONC ACTIV”60
79Rezinas. Saharna44
80Rîșcanis. Mihăileni, (Centrul Multifuncțional „Dumitru Musteață”)30
81Rîșcanistr. Luceafărul 26 AO Moldova AID30
82SîngereiTabăra „Emanuel” al Cultului Religios Uniunea Bisericilor Creștine Evanghelice Baptiste90
83Sorocas. Volovița, r-nul Soroca IP Tabăra de odihnă pentru copii „La Dumbrava”80
84Sorocasatul Egoreni (extravilan) Pensiunea Zăvoiul Nistrului40
85Ștefan Vodăsatul Popeasca, rnul Stefan Voda115
86Strășenis. Cojușna, str. Mihai Eminescu, 38 Liceul Teoretic Alecu Russo160
87Strășenicom. Greblești r-nul Strășeni MD – 3720 (clădirea fostei grădinițe de copii)40
88Taracliaor. Taraclia, str. Stefan cel Mare, 46, Căminul Studențesc al Universității de Stat din Taraclia „Г. Цамблак”35
89Taracliaor. Taraclia, str. Dimitrova, 27/1, Centrul de reabilitare pentru persoane cu dizabilități și persoane vârstnice or. Taraclia20
90Taracliacom. Vinogradovca, str. Comsomoliscaia 720
91Teleneștiz. Zahareuca, Pensiunea turistică ”Trei pastori”28
92Teleneștir-nul Telenești, s. Sărătenii Vechi40
93Teleneștir-nul Telenești, s. Căzănești, Căminul Liceului Teoretic A. Păunescu50
94Unghenicom. Sculeni, Centrul de plasament pentru persoane în vârstă și adulte20
95Unghenir-nul Ungheni str. Romană, 3950
96Unghenior. Ungheni, str. Naționala, nr. 4530

Medpark Emergency (free) : (+373) 79 22 40 40

Adress : Chisinau, st. Andrei Doga, 24, available 24/7

The project is intended EXCLUSIVELY for EMERGENCY medical situations. For medical services must be presented:

■ identity card, proof of citizenship Ukraine

■ an entry visa or document confirming entry to territory of the Republic of Moldova, starting February 24, 2022


для підлітків та молоді (10-24 років)
Консультації гінеколога, уролога, психолога, дерматолога-венеролога, профілактика ВІЛ-інфекції, консультації у разі проблем залежності. ☎️☎️☎️☎️
Телефон довіри поєднує 41 муніципальний та районний медичний центр мережі Youth Klinic Moldova, у тому числі шість центрів у Кишиневі.


Територіальне медичне об’єднання на районі Ботаніка

м. Кишинів, вул. Дачія 5/2

(022) 528 117

(022) 532 407

Територіальне медичне об’єднання на районі Буюкани

м. Кишинів, вул. И.Л. Караджале, 2

(022) 593 624

(022) 741 916

Територіальне медичне об’єднання в Центрі

м. Кишинів, вул. 31 серпня 1989, буд. 62

(022) 272 427

Територіальне медичне об’єднання на районі Чокани

м. Кишинів, вул. Вадул луй Вода, 80

Контактний телефон:

(022) 475 255

Територіальне медичне об’єднання на районі Ришкановка

м. Кишинів, вул. Алеку Руссо, 11

(022) 497 742

(022) 437 742


MedExpert Centers

Galaxia Free medical consultations and diagnostics

University of Medicine Free consultations

CMIR Free medical consultations in the field of obstetrics, gynecology, neonatology and pediatrics

Help for people with diabetes

HELPA Free help for refugees with cirrhosis of the liver

Online medical help

Positive Initiative” will help refugees from dependent groups (HIV-positive people, drug users suffering from hepatitis, tuberculosis).

Medical Center Magnific Nord from Balti municipality, provides to all refugees from Ukraine, urgent advisory medical services,  from 08:00 to 15:00. To receive medical services, you must present:
■ identity card confirming citizenship

address: st. Decebal 125, Balti, Moldova

Free emergency dental care
Punto Bianco Free emergency dental care
Free dental care at SmileDent Team
Free dental care at Dentagram
Ultimate Beauty free medical consultation

The DENTUS-DENTINO : free emergency dental
help, treatment of acute toothache. теL:. +373 68 713 712 | +373 68 300 002
Adress: str. Gh. Asachi 4, or. Chișinău

“The experience you go through definitely has some consequences for your emotional state.

You may feel sad, desperate, you may have unpleasant and stressful thoughts. Constant fear, anxiety, suffering and anxiety, sleep or eating problems are other conditions you may experience during this time.

All these feelings are natural. However, they can be a warning sign of mental health problems. It has been scientifically proven that mental health problems are not just genetic. The World Health Organization confirms that the environment and the social circumstances in which people live have a profound effect on their mental well-being. Bullying, divorce, mourning, poverty, instability, migration, and military conflict can also be causes of psycho-emotional problems.

It’s not a shame. One in four people have had or will have mental health problems at some point in their lives.” Trimbos

Free psychological help
Telegram Psychological support
Psychological assistance group
Free psychological and informational assistance to pregnant women and women who have recently given birth

Psychologist Viorica Bukov 69280490

Psychologist Igor Zabolotny (Ukrainian) 60721454


Психологічний супровід:

Психо-соціально-педагогічний центр в Кишиневі

Адреса: Вул. Вероніки Мікле, 4

022 270 667


It is important to know that there are 40 public mental health centers in the Republic of Moldova. They operate in every district center, as well as in municipalities (Balti, Chisinau) and are part of the state health care system, located next to primary health care facilities (clinics).

If you have an existing mental health diagnosis or are experiencing an emotional distress, community mental health centers are ready to help. At your service are teams of psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers and other professionals who can provide you with:

– Psychiatric consultations

– Psychological counseling

– Advice on prescription treatment

– Emergency psychiatric care

You can make an appointment with these centers directly or through the relevant primary care facilities.

Below you will find a complete list of contacts of public mental health centers in the Republic of Moldova.

1. GCPZ NOVI ANENY – address: Novi Aneni, st. Uzinelor, 30/1; phone: 0265 21274; el. mail:, Facebook page: ccsm.aneniinoi

2. Basarabeasca Gas Station – address: Basarabeasca, st. Munchi, 55; phone: 0297 20525; el. mail:; Facebook page:

3. Briceni GCCP – address: Briceni, st. Mihai Eminescu, 48; phone: 0247 23685; el. mail:, Facebook page: GCPZ Briceni

4. GCPZ BALTZI – address: mun. Balti, street Decebal 101V; phone: 0231 71011; el. mail:; Facebook page: Bălți Municipal Health Center

5. ГЦПЗ КАҐУЛ – address: мун. Cahul, street Stefan cel Mare, 27; phone: 0299 ​​32709; el. mail:; Facebook page: Cahul

6. GCPZ KANTEMIR – address: Kantemir, street N. Testemitanu, 22; phone: 0273 22462; el. mail:; Facebook page: Cantemir

7. GCPZ KALARASH – address: Kalarash, street Beaujolais, 1; phone: 0244 27015; el. mail:; Facebook page: GCPZ Călărași

8. PSC KEUSHENI – address: Keusheni, st. Ani and Alexandra, 14; phone: 0243 26847; el. mail:; Facebook page: GCPZ Căușeni

9. GCP CHIMISHLIA – address: Chimishlia, street Alexandru cel Boone 135A; phone: 0241 26783; el. mail:; Facebook page: GCPZ Cimișlia;

10. GCPZ KRIULYANI – address: Kriulyani, street Stefan cel Mare 1; phone: 0248 25027; el. mail:; Facebook page: GCPZ Criuleni

11. GCPZ KOMRAT – address: Comrat, street Victoria 46; phone: 0298 22855; mail:; Facebook page: GSP Comrat

12. Chadir-Lunga Gas Station – address: Chadir-Lunga, st. Michurina 2; phone: 0291 24031; el. mail:;

13. GCPZ DONDUSHENI – address: Dondusheni, street Mihai Eminescu, 26/1; phone: 0251 21344; el. mail:;

14. GCPZ DROKIYA – address: Drokiya, street N. Testemitanu, 4/1; phone: 0252 24927; 0676 52999; el. mail:; Facebook page: Drochia

15. GCPZ YEDINETS – address: Yedinets, street Independence, 81; phone: 0246 24967; el. mail:; Facebook page: ГЦПЗ Edineț

16. GCPZ FALESHT – address: Falesht, street Stefan cel Mare, 36; phone: 0259 92717; el. mail:; Facebook page: GCPZ Fălești

17. GCPZ FLORESHT – address: Floresht, street Stefan cel Mare, 37; phone: 0250 25447; el. mail:; Facebook page: ГЦПЗ Florești

18. ОДLODEN GCPP – address: ОДloden, street Tricolorului, 2; phone: 0249 22881; el. mail:;

19. HINCESHT – address: Hinchesht, street Michalcha Hinku, 153; phone: 0269 23447; el. mail:; Facebook page: Hîncești;

20. Ialoveni Gas Station – address: Ialoveni, street Alexandru cel Boone, 7; phone: 0268 27550; el. mail:; Facebook page: Ialoveni Public Health Center;

21. GOCPZ LEOVA – address: Leova, street Stefan cel Mare si Sfint, 63; telephone: 0263 23248, 0263 24563; el. mail:;

22. GCPZ NISPOREN – address: Nisporen, street Toma Chorba, 40; phone: 0264 23472; el. mail:

23. GCPZ OKNITSA – address: Oknitsa, street Independence, 64; phone: 0271 23425; el. mail:;

24. GORPZ ORGEY – address: Orhei, street Negroes, 85; phone: 0235 21457; el. mail:; Facebook page: Orhei;

25. GZPZ REZINA – address: Rezina, street A. Schuseva, 5; phone: 0254 21778; el. mail:;

26. GISPZ RISHKAN – address: Rishkan, street Independence, 59; phone: 0256 21360; el. mail:;

27. GCHPZ SYNGEREY – address: Singerei, st. N. Testemitanu, 11; phone: 0262 84450; el. mail:; Facebook page: GSPZ Sîngerei

28. GCPZ SOROKA – address: Soroka, street M. Eminescu, 16; phone: 0230 21135; el. mail:; Facebook page: GSPZ Soroca;

29. GTSPZ STRASHEN – address: Strashen, street Stefan cel Mare, 105; phone: 0237 22353; el. mail:; Facebook page: GCPZ Strășeni;

30. SHOLDANESHT – address: Sholdanesht, st. N. Testemitanu, 11; phone: 027225055, 027222334; el. mail:;

31. GTSPZ Stefan Stefan VODA – address: Stefan Voda, st. N. Testemitanu, 2; telephone: 0242 22476; el. mail:; Facebook page: GCPZ fantefan Vodă

32. TORAKLIA GCPZ – address: Taraklia, street Kotovsky, 2; phone: 0294 23252; el. mail:;

33. GCPZ TELENESHT – address: Telenesht, st. Stefan cel Mare, 5; phone: 0258 22164; el. mail:; Facebook page: ГЦПЗ Telenești

34. UNPEN – address: Ungen, street Romanian, 27; phone: 0236 23309; el. mail:; Facebook page: GCPZ Ungheni

35. Vulcanesti Public Health Center – address: Vulcanesti, street Carpenters, 59; phone: 0293 21946; el. mail:;

36. GOTPZ BOTANIKA (Chisinau) – address: Chisinau, street Independence 28/1; phone: 022 929788; el. mail:; website:; Facebook page: Botanica;

37. GYPZ BUYUKANY (Chisinau) – address: Chisinau, street Jon Creange 24; phone: 022 741738; el. mail:; Facebook page: Buiucani;

38. GCPZ CENTER (Chisinau) – address: Chisinau, street V. Dokuchaev 11a; phone: 022 731440; el. mail:;

39. HCPZ CHOKAN (Chisinau) – address: Chisinau, street Uzinelor 23; phone: 022 477253; el. mail:;

40. RISKAN (Chisinau) – address: Chisinau, street Sokolen 19; phone: 022 464965; el. mail:;

Breastfeeding consultants Mămica Alăptează, offer free help to all lactating mothers from Ukraine

Family Dent Free emergency pediatric dentistry
KinderMed Pediatric and Family Care  022 111 060 | 022 111 061 | 078 222 060 | 079300025 |
адрес: str. Vasile Alecsandri 87, Chisinau

Mama Med Free pediatric consultations
Pediatrica Center 022 911 500
адрес: str. Miorița 3/5, str. Gh. Asachi 4, Chișinău
bd. Mircea cel Batrin 42, Chișinău |

Help for children with cancer

1. send to this email
3 photos of the owner with the animal
2. The name of the owner’s surname, if desired, you can attach the owner’s ID
3. Describe the problem whether parasite vaccination needs food or some medical veterinary services such as blood test sterilization castration.
After considering the application, a veterinary clinic will be provided where you can go through these procedures.
Application time is 7-10 days.

List of veterinary clinics

Free chips/passport for dogs

Ciavdar 24-hour veterinary assistance – Assistance with vaccinations and issuance of documents, it is necessary to present the owner’s Ukrainian passport  

Veterinarian Inna Fedorovna, Tiraspol – to provide free veterinary care to all dogs arriving from Ukraine. (+373) 77776639 WatsAPP

Veterinary clinic “Team Bravo” – conducts free consultations and helps with paperwork (+373) 691 30 317

Vet Expert Mereni – They provide consultations and provide medical assistance, provide food and utensils.

Doctor Vet – provide temporary overexposure, vaccination, chipping of dogs and treatment, as well as dry and wet food.

Clinica Veterinara Filippov-Vet – free consultations, examinations, treatment, etc., for animals that arrived with refugees from Ukraine

Asismedvet – provides free consultations, examinations, treatment, etc., for animals that arrived with refugees from Ukraine.

Dog food Free

Vet clinic “Zoomama”: provide emergency assistance, provide documents and feed

VetLife: urgent consultation and medical assistance, filling out and preparing documents

Family Vet: advice, vaccinations, chips, food and everything you need Free veterinary services and medicines for guide dogs

Group for veterinary consultations online

Kuz’ma Wash the animal for free

The Cynological Union of Moldova allocates free dog food under the trademark “CLUB 4 PAWS” and “OPTIMEAL” to dogs arriving from Ukraine.

The company “FARMAVET” allocates free dog food under the brands “BRIT”, “Versele-Laga”, “FITMIN” to dogs arriving from Ukraine.

Canine Center “U.C.M” is ready to provide free of charge the required number of chips and assistance in obtaining veterinary passports for all citizens of Ukraine with dogs that follow through Moldova to other countries

Ми можемо надати вам:

  • Продукти харчування та предмети гігієни
  • Харчування для немовлят
  • Одяг
  • Ковдри та подушки

Ми можемо надати інформацію щодо: процедури надання притулку, контактів, які допоможуть з транспортом, проживанням, ліками

Ви можете зв’язатися з Центром GDM: +37360491200 (Telegram, WhatsApp, Signal, Viber)

З Молдови – Телефонуйте за номером 080010820 (з 8:00 до 22:00)

Дзвоніть з України +37322955820

Посольство і Консульство Держави Ізраїль в Молдові допомагає громадянам Ізраїлю та членам єврейської громади в питаннях репатріації. Контактний телефон +37379176560

Foreign citizens can legally stay in the country for a maximum of 90 days within a 180-day period.

Процедура клопотання про надання притулку безкоштовна. Перекладач буде наданий.

Ви можете подати заяву про надання притулку на будь-якому пункті пропуску на кордоні Молдови, в будь-якому відділенні поліції або в офісах Бюро міграції та притулку.
Для того, щоб подати заяву про надання притулку, достатньо вашої усної заяви, потім за допомогою уповноважених осіб ви заповнюєте письмову форму.
Ви можете подати заяву про надання притулку на кордоні, навіть якщо у вас немає паспорта!
Ніхто не має права відмовити у прийнятті Вашої заяви про надання притулку!

Звертайтесь за телефоном 0 8000 12 57 або вЮридичний центр адвокатів : 

Звернутись до Офісу народного адвоката можуть усі особи, у тому числі громадяни України, які стикаються з проблемами, пов’язаними з порушенням прав людини.

Контакти: Тел.: +373 60002657

Телеграм-канал Бюро міграції та притулку

Osvita – free online school for refugee children from Ukraine


1. The parent or legal representative of the child should identify the educational institution (within the available places) from: – for preschool education / – for primary and secondary institutions – for pre-school education / – for primary and secondary institutions

2. If the parent or legal representative of the child is unable to detect a place in the educational institution, they may call the contact numbers:
022 201 609 – for primary and secondary education institutions;
 022 235 284 – for preschool education institutions.

3. When identifying the educational institution, the parent or legal representative of the child should contact the director of the primary / secondary or pre-school institution at the telephone number in the lists attached above or directly by visiting the institution to identify available places.

4. When determining the places available, the parent or legal representative of the child should complete the standard application for refugees: standard application for pre-school institutions (RO) ​​standard application for primary, secondary education institutions (RO) standard application for  pre-school institutions (UKR) standard application for primary and secondary education institutions (UKR)

5. In the standard application, the applicant should attach:
– Personal identity documents of the child and the applicant (xerox);
– Medical certificate for the child (issued by AMT);
– The child’s PCR test.

6. The standard application completed by the parent or legal representative of the child, coordinated with the director of the primary / secondary or preschool education institution will be sent by the director of the institution to the e-mail address of the sector managers from the pre-university management department or the preschool management department , for approval by the DGETS administration.

7. Upon approval of the application by DGETS, the child is to be accepted in the educational institutions.

Tekwill Free activities for children : +373 78 498 834

Free sports training for kids : +373 79991777

Panda Kids Free admission to the children’s entertainment center : Address: St. Testimitsanu 29/5 / Tel. 069995343

Republican Children’s Theater “Likurich” invites children from Ukraine to the theater studio

CCR “Speech therapist-Wizard” invites children from Ukraine to free developmental classes

Christian kids club for children from Ukraine

Center for children and teenagers Diversitate. : Free workshops, mini-library, board games

Telegram What to do with children (fairy tales online, master classes, games)

In Chisinau

For Ukrainian citizens: yes for a certain period of time, without the need of a visa, as soon as an employment contract is signed

For other citizens: on the basis of the procedure for obtaining the right of residence for these purposes, in the manner established by the Aliens Regime Law (200/2010) or as an asylum seeker.

Universal Security Group : 079508070 / 079507010

Orange: безкоштовні сім-карти в магазинах Orange при пред’явленні паспорта України

Безкоштовні SIM-карти Moldcell: до кінця березня абоненти Moldcell та громадяни України зможуть дзвонити в Україну за ціною до 50 бані/хв. 

Moldtelecom Безкоштовні SIM-карти та Інтернет

Vodafone Ukraine Доступний роумінг у Молдові

Безкоштовний доступ до додатка від StarNet TV

Simtravel: Безкоштовні роумінгові SIM-карти для біженців, які подорожують до ЄС

+373 22 582 151

+373 22 582 423

+373 68 527 183

Adress Str. V.Lupu, 17, Chișinău


У разі безпосередньої небезпеки телефонуйте за номером 112

Зателефонуйте на гарячу лінію

З Молдови: 0 8008 8008

З-за кордону: +37322240624

Інші гарячі лінії: La Strada

The Roma Graduate Preparation Program (RGPP) program at Central European University announces the opening of the call for applications for Roma students, academic year 2022-2023. It aims to prepare Roma students to take part in open competitions for master’s degree studies in English-language universities. It is open to Roma people from several countries, including Moldova and Ukraine, who have completed or are in the process of completing their undergraduate studies by July 2022 📚

Link of the program

Я біженець і хочу залишити Молдову

You can use help groups like this one

And you can choose any car service in the city where you are:

Transnistria Tiraspol

Transport to Iasi

All the points in blue on this map are departure points from Moldova.

 Refugees who entered the territory of the Republic of Moldova from Ukraine and intend to migrate to another country, have the opportunity to register by filling out the online form by accessing the official page of the Civil Aviation Authority –

Candidates can also register by telephone on 022 823 500 and 022 823 587 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Please note that the flights are commercial, the costs are covered by the applicants and passengers must have valid travel documents for the country of destination.


Moldovan authorities  in cooperation with the states of the European Union  organize several  charter flights, for free, to different destinations. For more information and to register the waiting list, contact the Migration and Asylum Office Green Line –  0 800 015 27

At least one person must hold Ukrainian citizenship. The priority is given to mothers with children and people with disabilities.

Also fill the form here

Railway –

REGISTRATION FORM for international road transport from the National Road Transport Agency:
When accurate information about the date and place of departure is available, you will be contacted by phone.

The train on the Chisinau-Iasi line runs 7 days a week.
Departure from Chisinau: 06:40. Arrival in Iasi at 11:13 a.m.
Ticket prices: 90, 100 and 130 lei.
They can be purchased online (only for next day, but not on the day of departure). In the Republic of Moldova, at the central station.
Local transportation:
➡️ FREE transfer from and to Iasi International Airport;
➡️ Special race made by Iasi Public Transport Company. The bus will run between Socola Station and Central Station, from where passengers can follow the directions given to the Border Police when getting off the train at Socola Station.
☎️For more information on train circulation and ticket prices, call +37322833333

Find more updated information here

Scotland offers places for 3,000 Ukrainians.

The Prime Minister of Scotland, Nicholas Sturgeon, has announced the launch of a program to receive Ukrainian refugees in Scotland.
Refugees will be offered family accommodation, the right to employment, and social benefits. It will be possible to get to Scotland from Moldova by charter plane. To check in for a plane, please fill out this form.


Application form

Tel .: 062086535 Anna (you can call from 10:00 to 20:00)

The Republic of Lithuania is ready to accept for resettlement 2,000 Ukrainian refugees arriving from the Republic of Moldova. The Department of Migration under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania organizes resettlement in the Republic of Lithuania for citizens of Ukraine and members of their families who arrived in the Republic of Moldova.

All arrivals are provided with the following opportunities:

A residence permit for 1 year and a work permit are issued;
The employment service provides assistance in finding employment;
Medical services and psychological assistance are provided;
Humanitarian and food aid is being provided;
Temporary housing provided;
Children are included in public education programs;
After obtaining temporary protection (residence permit) in Lithuania (this may take up to 24 working days), persons without income are provided with:
– Social allowance: 107.4 euros (approximate average social allowance per person);
– Compensation for expenses for heating, hot water and drinking water: (according to statistics for 2021, the average compensation per family was 61.7 euros);
Free transfer from Moldova to Lithuania.

One of the following documents is required:

Foreign passport (also expired);
Internal passport or ID card (expired is also allowed);
Birth certificate (for children);
Identity certificate issued by the Consular Department of Ukraine in the Republic of Moldova.

ALL INTERESTED CITIZENS OF UKRAINE STATED IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA CAN APPLY BY PHONES 079 160 061 and 078 740 957 (also Viber or WhatsApp), the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Moldova, the Bureau for Migration and Asylum. Please call and write from 09.00 to 18.00 every day.

To do this, fill out the form  on this page. Important! Passengers must have travel documents valid for the country of destination.

You can find bus information here. There are three main stations in Chisinau.

You can return to the territory of Ukraine by bus. You can buy a ticket online ( or at the ticket office of the bus station of the city where you are:

Chisinau – st. Kalya Moshilor, 2/1 (tel. 0 (22) 411 338)
Balti – st. Stefan cel Mare, 2 (tel. 0 (231) 43 840)
Ungheni – st. Feroviara, 2 (tel. 0 (236) 26 731)
Oknitsa – st. Pushkin, (tel. 0 (271) 22 447)
Orhei – st. Sadoveanu 50 (tel. 0 (235) 246 39)
Edinet – st. Independentei 227 (tel. 0246 28 444)
Briceni – tel. 0 (247) 22 103

Так. Вам потрібен документ, що посвідчує особу, будь-який документ, що посвідчує особу – наприклад, ID-паспорт, посвідчення особи, свідоцтво про народження, закордонний паспорт (дійсний або прострочений).

I want to donate goods/medical supplies

    • –  Sleeping bags – 200 pieces;
    • – Mattresses – 505 pieces;
    • – Bedding sets – 1095 pieces;
    • – Disposable bed linen – 1745 sets;
    • – Sheets – 1269 pieces;
    • – Pillows – 1279 pieces;
    • – Blankets – 1285 pieces;
    • – Shower cabins – 5 pieces;
    • – Refrigerators – 12 pieces;
    • – Microwave ovens – 24 pieces;
    • – Washing machines – 11 pieces;
    • – Computers – 40 pieces;
    • – Printers – 40 pieces;
    • – Office supplies (for registries);
    • – medium towels – 2000 pieces;
    • – small towels – 2000 pieces;
    • – large towels – 2000 pieces;
    • – vacuum cleaners – 10 pieces;
    • – metal shelves on wheels – 50 pieces;
    • – clothes hangers – 50 pieces;
    • – thermoses 0.75 l – 1000 pieces;
    • – thermoses 3 l – 100 pieces;
    • – thermoses of large capacity – 10 pieces;
    • – disposable tableware (cups, plates, forks, teaspoons) – 20,000 pieces;
    • – sets for personal hygiene (adults) – 10,000 pieces;
    • – personal hygiene kits (for children) – 5000 pieces;
    • – clothes for babies – 100 sets for different ages;
    • – children’s clothing – 150 sets for different ages;
    • – walkers for children – 20 pieces;
    • – baby carriages – 10 pieces;
    • – highchairs for feeding – 10 pieces;
    • – furniture for playgrounds (tables, chairs, rugs, etc.);
    • – indoor slippers – 300 pairs of different sizes;
    • – kangaroo for children – 50 pieces;
    • – backpacks for adults – 500 pieces;
    • – backpacks for children – 200 pieces;
    • – multifunctional backpack for babies – 100 pieces;
    • – suitcases on wheels – 100 pieces;
    • – medical masks – 50,000 pieces;
    • – disinfectants (200 ml) – 5000 pieces;
    • – disinfectants with a dispenser – 2000 pieces;
    • – wet wipes;
    • – paper towels;
    • – means for disinfection of premises, residential surfaces
  • food – canned food, pasta, other packaged foods with a long shelf life.

Customs regulations :

  1. See the list of required goods:
    – Folding beds,
    – Bed sheets,
    – Pillows,
    – Blankets,
    – Sleeping bags,
    – Hygiene products, including for children,
    – Foods with an extended shelf life (preferably canned fish,
    canned meat, canned vegetables and fruits, groats, jams, baby food,

2. Make a list of the goods and quantities you want to donate;

3. Contact the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection:

and present the following documents:

1. List of donated products, indicating their quantity and price;
2. Invoice ;
3. Letter from the donor institution indicating the origin of the goods
donated and their destination.

4. Obtain the approval of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, which qualifies the batch of goods and
humanitarian aid products;

5. Ship the humanitarian batch. When it is introduced in the country, you will present the following documents:

1. List of donated products, indicating their quantity and price;
2. Invoice / Proforma;
3. Letter from the donor institution indicating the origin of the goods
donated and their destination;
4. The approval of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection for the qualification of the batch of goods and
products as humanitarian aid.

●Within 60 days, you will need to provide
confirmatory documents regarding the distribution of humanitarian aid.

● If you are a citizen of the Republic of Moldova and you want to send humanitarian aid, please note that the dispatch, transport and import of humanitarian aid
must be done through a legal person registered in the country of origin of the humanitarian group (public association, NGO, company or any other person

The goods will be used to manage the needs of refugees at checkpoints (General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations), for the needs of the centers
for refugees (Ministry of Labor and Social Protection) or for the medical needs of refugees (Ministry of Health).

1. See the list of required goods:
– Folding beds,
– Bed sheets,
– Pillows,
– Blankets,
– Sleeping bags,
– Hygiene products, including for children,
– Foods with an extended shelf life (preferably canned fish,
canned meat, canned vegetables and fruits, groats, jams, baby food,

2. Make a list of the items you can donate;

3. Contact

Contact Zinaida Bezverhni, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Health –, in case of donations of medicines and equipment

4. After the acceptance of the offer by the external assistance cell or by the Ministry
For health, prepare the following documents:

1. List of donated products, indicating their quantity and price;
2. Invoice / Proforma;
3. Letter from the donor institution indicating the origin of the goods
donated and their destination;

5. In coordination with the beneficiary institutions, send the humanitarian consignment.

Delivery points
– In the case of medicines and humanitarian equipment (beneficiary Ministry
To Health), they will be delivered to the following warehouse:
Sanfarm Prim, or. Chisinau, 149 Grenoble Street (Republic of Moldova)

– In the case of goods and products for refugee centers (beneficiary
Ministry of Labor and Social Protection), they will be delivered to the next
Moldcoop-Impex, Vatra commune, Plopilor street 16 (Republic of Moldova)

– In the case of goods for the needs of refugees upon entry into the country (beneficiary
General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations), they will be delivered to
next deposit:
Depot of the Material Reserves Agency, Chisinau, str. Uzinelor 6 (Republica Moldova)

● If you are a citizen of the Republic of Moldova and you want to send humanitarian aid, you
Please note that the dispatch, transport and import of humanitarian aid must be done through a legal person registered in the country of origin of the humanitarian group (public association, NGO, company or any other person

You can also register your offer of donations on this form

You can register your offer of donations on this form

For individuals donations, you can donate at our center or  drop them at :

SA Moldova Film, 61 Hîncești str.

You can register your offer of donations on this form

You can drop off donations at MOLDCOOP-Impex, Vatra village, 16 Plopilor str., contact person Vladimir Harea, 067264602 (will come after 17:00 as well if is previously warned about the approximate hour of delivery of the goods)

In Moldova


You can also register on these websites


Airbnb Refugee Program

Ukraine Take Shelter

I want to donate money through bank transfer in Moldovan Lei

Name of the NGO: Centrul de Caritate pentru Refugiaţi A.O.

Fiscal code:  1010620003124


Name of the bank: BC “EXIMBANK” SA, Sucursala nr.6

Adress of the NGO: Chisinau, MD – 2012, str. 31 August 1989, nr. 87

I want to donate money through bank transfer in Euros

Name of the NGO: Centrul de Caritate pentru Refugiaţi A.O.

IBAN : MD58EX0600002251644669EU


Name of the bank: BC “EXIMBANK” SA, Sucursala nr.6

Adress of the NGO : Chisinau, MD – 2012, str. 31 August 1989, nr. 87


I want to donate money through bank transfer in USD

Name of the NGO: Centrul de Caritate pentru Refugiaţi A.O.

IBAN : MD77EX0600002251644669US


Name of the bank: BC “EXIMBANK” SA, Sucursala nr.6

Adress of the NGO : Chisinau, MD – 2012, str. 31 August 1989, nr. 87

If needed : Intermediary bank THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON,   NY, USA      SWIFT CODE: IRVTUS3N

I want to donate money through crowdfunding

I want to volunteer

The housing situation at the moment is very tense and every hotel is full. If you have family/friends that can host you in Moldova, you are more than welcome to volunteer at our center. We need :

  • people able to manage social networks (Instagram, fb, Twitter) and write articles (English is fine)
  • shoot videos and edit them
  • web developers
  • people to reply to calls (Russian/ukrainian speakers)
  • people with experience in managing humanitarian crisis

You can also register as a volunteer here


And on this platform