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On 11th May 2017, a Blood Donation Action organized by the Charity Centre for Refugees (CCR), partner of UNHCR Moldova, was held at the National Centre of Blood Transfusion in Chisinau. More than 40 refugees, CCR staff members and EVS volunteers showed their interest to carry out a solidarity act in the host country. This act reflected that no matter race, religion, nationality, language or gender, only the desire to help and do well for others is what matters.
UNHCR supported this initiative as a way of raising awareness about refugee community’s integration into the Moldovan society as being part of it. The action was also a dedication to the World Refugees Day, taken place worldwide on June 20th. On the other side, the initiative was strongly supported by Bureau of Migration and Asylum, partner of CCR which ensured free transportation for the refugees at National Centre of Blood Transfusion. Refugees stated that through this action they wanted to show their kindness and give help to local persons that need blood transfusion as a reward for the help they give to refugees as a host country.
A special mention to the staff of the National Centre of Blood Transfusion who showed their hospitality, took care of the donors and made a special effort to overcome the language barriers since some of the refugee donors still do not have a good knowledge of Russian or Romanian, which was not an impediment to be solidary.

Miriam Lorenzo Prieto, EVS volunteer from Spain