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On 12th of April, the Charity Centre for Refugees (CCR), partner of UNHCR and Bureau of Migration and Asylum, visited the Chisinau Career Fair 2019 organized by the National Employment Agency.

The event was an opportunity for CCR’s Employment Counsellor to meet directly local employers and advocate for supporting refugees and asylum seekers to become self-reliant in the Republic of Moldova. CCR’s Employment Counsellor found out the working conditions, salaries, locations, schedule, training for new employed staff and other. At the event participated more than 50 companies that presented the offers they have.

CCR facilitates employment of refugees and asylum seekers on the local labour market in order to increase their socio-economic situation and help make refugees economic actors in their communities and agents of their own integration in Moldova, while also contributing to the development of the society by generating taxes.

Author: Doina Crăciun, Project Assistant