Eid-Al Fitr at the Charity Centre for Refugees

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The Charity Centre for Refugees, Partner of UNHCR Moldova, organized on 09 July 2016 the celebration of the Eid-Al Fitr – an important religious holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide that marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting. The event gathered in one place more than 100 children, women of men from the refugee community in the Republic of Moldova. The representative of UNHCR Moldova also joined us at the event.

The cultural program included performance of songs, dances, poems, entertaining games, magical performances, and alive book stories about the meaning of the celebration in different countries such as Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.. The event was led and moderated by two volunteers – 1 refugee from Iraq and 1 refugee from Sirya, who involved in organization and offered CCR a huge support in conducting the event. All the participants received gifts ans sweets in recognition of their implication and activity at the event.

Maria Pîslaraş – CCR Project Assistant