Entertaining children at the Temporary Accommodation Center

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On 27th of May 2017, Charity Centre for Refugees (CCR), partner of UNHCR in Moldova, in collaboration with Bureau of Migration and Asylum Seekers (BMA) organized a meeting with refugees and asylum seekers children in the Temporary Accommodation Center (TAC) in order to film a short documental about the life of these kids in Moldova and to congratulate all Moldovan kids as part of the International Children Day that is celebrated worldwide on 1st of June.
Since the majority of these children live in the city, near the airport, CCR took the opportunity to have about 25 children together to organize some sports activities, such as a football and table football and volleyball match. Also under the topic “Moldova and me”, we had a painting workshop and children drew some wonderful pictures which will be exposed from June 1st on Square of the Great National Assembly and afterwards in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. And some kids were also playing in the play room that there is at TAC under the supervision of the CCR volunteers.

Miriam Lorenzo Prieto, EVS volunteer from Spain