On Friday, 21st of December, at Charity Centre for Refugees (CCR) came a group of students together with the Dean of International Relations Faculty from the Free International University of Moldova. The target of the event was to congratulate the refugees and asylum-seeking children with the winter holidays.
Santa Claus surprised them, because he brought presents for each child, but in change he was asking for a poem or song. So, refugee and asylum-seeking children from Afghanistan, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Uzbekistan, India and Armenia were trying to do their best. All the children and their parents were satisfied, because it was unexpected that foreign students will have the proposal to make a beautiful day for CCR`s young beneficiaries.
At the end, the Director of CCR, Mr. Djavid Paknehad expressed his gratitude for the gifts to the small beneficiaries and, also, Mrs. Dean of the International Relations, Mrs. Viorica Ticu told that it was so nice to see how these cute kids are reciting the poems and singing winter songs and wished on behalf of the students from the International Relations, Political Sciences and Journalism Faculty a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
The Director of CCR brings his gratitude one more time to the Free International University of Moldova, especially to the Dean and students of the International Relations, Political Sciences and Journalism Faculty for such an unusual surprise for our refugee and asylum-seeking community!
Paknehad Șabnam-Cristina