On 1st of November 2017 Charity Centre for Refugees (CCR), partner of UNHCR and BMA, had a very fruitful meeting with the students from the 3rd year of the International Relations Faculty within ULIM. Mrs. Viorica Ţîcu, the coordinator teacher in collaboration with another teacher from the faculty invited to the CCR’s office 15 students interested in migration and refugee issues in Moldova.
During the meeting, Mr. Djavid Paknehad, the director of CCR introduced the objectives and activities of the organization and gave an overview on migrant and refugee issues in Moldova. The students were interested to find out more regarding refugee integration process in Moldova and even become volunteers or carry out the university practice in our office.
CCR will continue to encourage local people to discover the added value of refugee’s backgrounds for Republic of Moldova and in the near future we hope to organize some more similar meetings.
Doina Crăciun, Volunteers’ CoordinatorMiriam Lorenzo Prieto, EVS volunteer from Spain