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“Beauty is a form of Genius – is higher, indeed, than Genius, as it needs no explanation. It is one of the great facts of the world, like sunlight, or springtime, or the reflection in the dark waters of that silver shell we call the moon. It cannot be questioned. It has divine right of sovereignty. It makes princes of those who have it”, – Oscar Wilde

It is this form of genius that we discovered in our beneficiaries of the Charity Centre of Refugees (CCR) during the women’s club “The world of Beauty”. The integration women’s club “The World of Beauty” was organized at the Charity Center for Refugees (CCR) by Tatiana Salachova – a refugee from Ukraine and a woman with a big heart, a huge talent in art beauty and a deep desire to create and share her great experience with others.

The meeting started with the idea that beauty needs to be approached individually, the fact that everyone is different is the real beauty. Our lovely ladies need to recognize and realize that they are really special, magnificent, beautiful, and all have their own personal charm.

Tatiana shared with us the secrets of skin care. All our ladies learned their skin color type and which colors are more suitable for their individual make-up. Tatiana also shared her knowledge on how to create the perfect eyebrows. This activity was realized in a very free, warm and beautiful atmosphere. Our ladies had the chance to obtain very interesting and useful knowledge, which opened the door to a world of beauty, harmony and self-confidence.

As was mentioned by our coach, Tatiana, every woman has the right to be beautiful and loved. And some of its secrets were discovered by our group of awesome ladies, of different nationalities, at this club. It has been equally a pleasure for Tatiana to share her knowledge with this splendid audience. She also expressed a really beautiful message of gratitude for the warm welcome! At the end of this activity, the director of the Charity Centre for Refugees (CCR), Mr. Djavid Paknehad, thanked Tatiana for the excellent organization of this event and all the audience, who attended the integration women’s club “The World of Beauty”.

All that remains from our side is to thank our glorious coach, our awesome audience and our great translator – Dima.

Lilia Manastîrlî – Employment counselor
Dieter Eggen – EVS volunteer from Netherlands
Panno Celeste – EVS Volunteer from Italy