On 9th of March, the Charity Centre for Refugees (CCR), partner of the UNHCR Moldova and BMA organized the celebration of the International Women’s Day for more than 60 refugee and asylum-seeking women and their children from countries such as Syria, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Jordan, Afghanistan, Yemen etc. The guests from UNHCR Moldova and other non-governmental partners had the opportunity to congratulate refugee and asylum-seeking women and girls who were enthusiastic and participated themselves in the organization of the event.
Thus, at the beginning there were a short speech by the director of the CCR, Mr. Djavid Paknehad, followed by two other made by the representatives of the UNHCR, Mr. Sergiu Gaina and AVE Copii, Mr. Angelica Russu. Meanwhile, refugee women took the initiative and encouraged each other to be more active and strong, to be beautiful and sensitive, and also, to take part in social and cultural events, actions etc..
Forwards there were performed multiple performances realized by the refugee and asylum-seeking children. Music was put on and lazily stuffed the room, songs were sung and many dances done. The party went on, full of chat and laugh, Arabic music and happiness. Just before leaving the beneficiaries got small gifts for the International Women’s Day, offered by the CCR and UNHCR Moldova that were coroneted with a tiny Marţişor.
The 9th of March was a wonderful day, a truly memorable one. It unified the refugee and asylum-seeking women community and reminded how big a reason it is to be proud of being a woman.
Happy Women’s Day! Zi fericită, dragi femei! Поздравляю вас с женским днем!