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Since September 2018, the youngest employees of the Charity Centre for Refugees (CCR) have been attending the university to become, in the nearest future, Masters. So it happened. Today, 14th of July 2020, Paknehad Șabnam-Cristina is holding her second Master Diploma in Political Sciencies and Doina Crăciun is Master of Social Work.

Șabnam-Cristina brings her gratitude to the Free International University of Moldova, headed by the Rector, Mr. Galben Ilian and the Dean of International Relations, Political Sciences and Journalism Faculty, Mrs. Țîcu Viorica. Doina brings her gratitude to the Moldova State University, headed by the Pro-rector, Mrs. Dandara Otilia and the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, Educational Sciences, Sociology and Social Assistance, Mr. Guțu Vladimir.

Mr. Paknehad Djavid – the Director of CCR, is bringing his personal huge gratitude to the above metioned Moldovan Universities, where the professors are specialists who know their field perfectly and they gave all the necessary attention and help to the students who made an effort to be the best. The CCR’s Director congratulates his colleagues, as he is sure that this studies will help both of them in the actual field, and wish them to improve and develop all the knowledge accumulated during the last 2 years at university.

And last but not least, the Director of CCR is very grateful to all the universities in Moldova where are studying refugees. For this category of people is absolutely necessary and important to feel well in a new society. And even more – they can study on par with citizens of the Republic of Moldova and not as foreigners!

Nota bene: Education and knowledge are the most important investments you can make for yourself!

Text: CCR’s staff