Our mission

The Charity Centre for Refugees (CCR) is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-religious and apolitical organisation created in November 1999. Its main partners are the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR-Moldova) and the General Inspectorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Moldova.

CCR’s mission is to facilitate the pre-integration of the asylum-seekers and integration of refugees and beneficiaries of humanitarian protection into the Moldovan society by conducting community-based activities, ensuring their self-reliance through employment, and raising awareness about them.

Our activities

Labour market integration

Employment counseling is an essential element of the pre-integration and social integration of asylum seekers, refugees and beneficiaries of humanitarian protection. It is also granted to persons temporarily displaced from the territory of Ukraine.

Employment counseling includes the following steps:

• Preparation of the individual questionnaire regarding the potential of the person’s placement in the field of work;

• Information regarding the provisions of the labor code of the Republic of Moldova, regarding employment in the labor field;

• Assistance in finding a job;

• Providing support in the development of CVs;

• Advice on the employment procedure and the management of potential disputes;

• Post-employment monitoring of beneficiaries;

• Informing employers about the employment of asylum seekers, refugees and beneficiaries of humanitarian protection, as well as persons temporarily displaced from the territory of Ukraine;

• Providing informational support regarding the initiation and management of the business on the territory of the Republic of Moldova.

During 2023, the Charity Centre for Refugees provided employment counseling for 429 people, originating from 33 countries of the world, who received 785 offers, as a result of which 145 people were officially employed in the labor field on the territory of the Republic of Moldova.

Educational assistance

  • Computer classes
  • Assistance to access higher education
  • Support to access vocational training
  • Covering tuition fees for most vulnerable students
  • Mini-library
  • Support to access formal schooling and provision of school supplies
  • Information sessions about education opportunities, entrepreneurship, refugees’ rights, entitlements and duties, sexual and gender-based violence, etc


  • Consultation with administration and ministries to improve life for asylum-seekers and refugees
  • Participation at local events such as the Inter-Ethnic Festival or Winter Charity Bazaar, etc.
  • Collaboration with the media Football Against Racisme in Europe (FARE) matches
  • Meetings with local students to foster tolerance and anti-discriminatory attitudes, etc.

Social assistance

  • Help to get medical coverage
  • Access to social lunches provided by the Municipality to asylum-seekers living at the Temporary Accommodation Centre (TAC)
  • Maintenance of the laundry room at TAC
  • Cash-based intervention (CBI) assistance to the most vulnerable asylum-seekers and refugees (elderly, disabled, etc.)
  • Monitoring visits and counselling in places where refugees and asylum-seekers study, live and work
  • Referral information and guidance
  • Coordination of social houses in two villages

Intercultural and multicultural dialogue

  • Extracurricular and recreational activities
  • Celebration of national and international holidays
  • Summer school (Arabic classes, dance classes and art circles)
  • Refugee Women’s Club activities (haircutting, tailoring, handmade workshops)​

Language courses

This program aims to improve the employment opportunities of refugees from Ukraine through qualification, retraining, or professional development courses with the aim of integrating them into the professional environment, providing a stable income and improving the quality of life.

We offer the opportunity to study for free at the following professional courses – Manicurist, Hairdresser, Make-up, Confectioner, Cook, etc.

During 2023, the Charity Center for Refugees in collaboration with AO “Island of Hope”, offered professional training for 150 refugees from Ukraine, thus encouraging active participation in the labor market of the Republic of Moldova, increasing the self-confidence of the beneficiaries, obtaining sustainable incomes and thus less dependence on humanitarian aid.

Romanian language

In April 2024, the Charity Centre for Refugees, with the support of UNHCR-Moldova and in partnership with Chisinau City Hall and the Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova, started a pilot project to study the Romanian language for refugee children who are studying in 5 institutions of education with teaching in Russian from the Republic of Moldova (A. Chehov Theoretical High School, N. Gogol Theoretical High School, M. Lomonosov Theoretical High School and T. Şevcenko High School in Chisinau and “D. Mavrodi” Theoretical High School from the municipality of Comrat).


  • Support in preparing for language and Constitution exams for citizenship
  • Information and guidance on procedure