Safe access at the Charity Center for Refugees

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The mission of the Charity Center for Refugees is to facilitate the socio-cultural integration of refugees in the Republic of Moldova (which now numbers about 500 persons including asylum seekers). The offered services include cultural activities such as the organization of Martisor, Easter, International Women’s Day, Language Day, Independence Day, also Romanian language lessons and round tables on the history of the hosting country.

All these are meant to familiarize refugees with local traditions and customs. Also, the offered services put a special emphasis on children and refugee women, as being more vulnerable, and for whom are organized Summer School and Refugee Women Club.

Previously, the organization had its office on the territory of a kindergarten in the Buiucani district, but upon expiration of the contract, Chisinau City Hall refused to extend the collaboration and it appeared a need to find another space.

As refugees themselves say, the Charity Centre is their second home, and unfortunately they have had to move to another “house” with a limited space and less possibilities for activities. Another disadvantage is that the office has damaged entry stairs and endangers the lives and security of our beneficiaries.

Our aspiration is to provide safety to refugees, who left their homes and came to Moldova, when stepping through the threshold.

The building of the office is old but in a satisfactory condition, another thing are cracked stairs from which bricks began to fall after this year’s weather anomaly. The staircase may fail at any time and there will be no access to our office in the near future. Refugees gather together at the Charity Centre’s events and activities, because this is the place where they can meet peacefully, discuss the problems and share joys they have in the hosting country.

For these reasons, we would like to launch an appeal to all who can give us a helping hand and collect the amount of needed for renovation.


facebook: Charity Centre for Refugees

Youtube: CCR Moldova

87, 31 August 1989 str.| MD-2012 Chisinau | Moldova
Tel.: +373 69971384 | Fax: +373 22 21 25 76

Doina Crăciun, Art teacher