The Charity Centre for Refugees, Partner of UNHCR Moldova, in collaboration with the Internship Initiative Group of UN in Moldova organized on 14 July 2016 an interactive discussion session regarding implementation of the Law No. 121 on ensuring equality.
The main goal of the session was to inform and explain refugees their inherent right to equality in the Republic of Moldova, also the content of the main national non-discrimination legislation and the tools of implementing equality principles. The event gathered 32 participants – including refugees and asylum seekers, together with representatives from UNHCR Moldova and CCR volunteers, who had the possibility to talk and debate about daily life situations of discrimination being supported by the member of the the Council on the Prevention and Elimination of Discrimination and Ensuring Equality, Ian Feldman.
Refugees found out the possibilities and procedures to defend their rights to equality with the support of the Council and, also, learnt how to recognize discrimination acts. On the other side, the interns Victoria Botan – UN Women, Tezera Abebe – OHCHR and Nicolai Cheles – UNDP presented their own stories of discrimination and the way they faced them.
Doina Crăciun – CCR volunteer
Maria Pîslaraş – CCR Project Assistant