On 18th of July 2017, Charity Centre for Refugees (CCR), partner of UNHCR Moldova and Bureau of Migration and Asylum in Moldova (BMA) had a meeting with Mrs. Yolande Ditewig, Deputy Chief and Mr. Nasir Khan, Program Officer from the Regional Office of UNHCR in Budapest in order to discuss about CCR activities and challenges it face with within the refugee and asylum seekers integration project.
In this regard, UNHCR representatives from the Regional Office in Budapest, including the Chief of the mission, Ms. Monserrat Feixas Vihe together with UNHCR Moldova, Charity Centre for Refugees and other partners of UNHCR hold a meeting with more than 50 refugees and asylum seekers living in Moldova. During the meeting, refugees and asylum seekers spoke freely about the problems they face Moldova. Some of the problems are specifically related to the fact of being a refugee or an asylum seeker but others are common to the Moldovan society like the difficult to find a good job in this country.
This meeting ends with the promise of Mrs. Monserrat Feixas Vihe to try to solve some of the common problems that the refugees talked about as far as UNHCR could help and she proposed to have other meeting in autumn to check if the things have gone better.
Miriam Lorenzo Prieto- EVS volunteer from Spain
Doina Crăciun- Volunteers coordinator, CCR