The Charity Centre for Refugees (CCR) has a Collaboration Agreement with ULIM since October 2018.
In order for a continuing promotion of this collaboration, on 4th of November 2020, CCR participated at a ZOOM webinar dedicated to the students of the third License year of the International Relations, Political Sciences and Journalism Faculty of ULIM.
The meeting was hosted by the PhD., univ.lect. and Dean of this faculty (Mrs. Viorica Ticu) who introduced the special guest, namely Mr. Iulian Popov (the Head of Asylum and Integration Directorate within the Bureau of Migration and Asylum). Mr. Popov was explaining to the students who the refugees are, how the situation of the refugees and asylum seekers per general in the world in numbers looks, which are the top host countries in the world for refugees, from which countries mostly the refugees flee, how the asylum system in the Republic of Moldova looks, shortly the main points about the legislative framework in Moldova, and which are the rights of the refugees and asylum seekers in Moldova.
After the presentation, the students had the opportunity to ask questions, as for them this topic was a new one and interesting.
At the end, the Director of CCR (Mr. Djavid Paknehad) told that CCR, also will join in such kind of webinars, by making in the future more meetings for students of FIUM, University with whom CCR is working and collaborating for many years. And as nowadays, the situation caused by the pandemic is hard, these meetings will take place online for a period.
Mrs. Viorica Ticu brought her gratitude to Mr. Iulian Popov and Mr. Djavid Paknehad for participating and showing new information with FIUM’s students.
Text: Paknehad Șabnam-Cristina – CCR’s Deputy Director