Emergency : 112
Medpark Emergency (free) : (+373) 79 22 40 40
Adress : Chisinau, st. Andrei Doga, 24, available 24/7
The project is intended EXCLUSIVELY for EMERGENCY medical situations. For medical services must be presented:
■ identity card, proof of citizenship Ukraine
■ an entry visa or document confirming entry to territory of the Republic of Moldova, starting February 24, 2022
FREE 🇲🇩🇺🇦
for teenagers and youth (10-24 years old)
Consultations with a gynecologist, urologist, psychologist, dermatologist-venereologist, HIV prevention, consultations in case of addiction problems. ☎️☎️☎️☎️
The helpline unites 41 municipal and district medical centers of the Youth Clinic Moldova network, including six centers in Chisinau.
Ask for medical help : Dopomoha
Free medical assistance with Christian Help for Refugees
Territorial Medical Association – Botanica
5/2, Dacia blvd, Chisinau, (022) 528 117 / (022) 532 407
Territorial Medical Association -Buiucani
2, I. L. Caragiale street, Chisinau, (022) 593 624 / (022) 741 916
Territorial Medical Association – Center
62, 31 August 1989 street, Chisinau, (022) 272 427
Territorial Medical Association – Ciocana
80, Vadul lui Voda street, Chisinau, (022) 475 255
Territorial Medical Association – Riscani
11, Alecu Russo steet, Chisinau, (022) 497 742 / (022) 437 742
Galaxia Free medical consultations and diagnostics
University of Medicine Free consultations
CMIR Free medical consultations in the field of obstetrics, gynecology, neonatology and pediatrics
HELPA Free help for refugees with cirrhosis of the liver
Free online medical consultations
"Positive Initiative" will help refugees from dependent groups (HIV-positive people, drug users suffering from hepatitis, tuberculosis).
Medical Center Magnific Nord from Balti municipality, provides to all refugees from Ukraine, urgent advisory medical services, from 08:00 to 15:00. To receive medical services, you must present:
■ identity card confirming citizenship
address: st. Decebal 125, Balti, Moldova
Breastfeeding consultants Mămica Alăptează, offer free help to all lactating mothers from Ukraine
Family Dent Free emergency pediatric dentistry
KinderMed Pediatric and Family Care 022 111 060 | 022 111 061 | 078 222 060 | 079300025 |
адрес: str. Vasile Alecsandri 87, Chisinau
Mama Med Free pediatric consultations
Pediatrica Center 022 911 500
адрес: str. Miorița 3/5, str. Gh. Asachi 4, Chișinău
bd. Mircea cel Batrin 42, Chișinău
www.pediatrica.md | www.facebook.com/pediatru
Free emergency dental care : Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu"
📍 str. Petru Rareș 39/1
DENTUS-DENTINO : emergency dental
help, treatment of acute toothache. теL:. +373 68 713 712 | +373 68 300 002
Adress: str. Gh. Asachi 4, or. Chișinău
You can call : 080010808
By Viber or SMS : +373 60 60 15 49
"The experience you go through definitely has some consequences for your emotional state.
You may feel sad, desperate, you may have unpleasant and stressful thoughts. Constant fear, anxiety, suffering and anxiety, sleep or eating problems are other conditions you may experience during this time.
All these feelings are natural. However, they can be a warning sign of mental health problems. It has been scientifically proven that mental health problems are not just genetic. The World Health Organization confirms that the environment and the social circumstances in which people live have a profound effect on their mental well-being. Bullying, divorce, mourning, poverty, instability, migration, and military conflict can also be causes of psycho-emotional problems.
It's not a shame. One in four people have had or will have mental health problems at some point in their lives." Trimbos
Online chat "Nadiya є!" - Emotional support service for Ukrainians
Telegram Psychological support
Psychological assistance group
Psychologist Viorica Bukov 69280490
Psychologist Igor Zabolotny (Ukrainian) 60721454
Psycho-socio-pedagogical Center of Chisinau municipality, 4, Veronica Micle Street, Chisinau,
022 270 667
It is important to know that there are 40 public mental health centers in the Republic of Moldova. They operate in every district center, as well as in municipalities (Balti, Chisinau) and are part of the state health care system, located next to primary health care facilities (clinics).
If you have an existing mental health diagnosis or are experiencing an emotional distress, community mental health centers are ready to help. At your service are teams of psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers and other professionals who can provide you with:
- Psychiatric consultations
- Psychological counseling
- Advice on prescription treatment
- Emergency psychiatric care
You can make an appointment with these centers directly or through the relevant primary care facilities.
Below you will find a complete list of contacts of public mental health centers in the Republic of Moldova.
1. GCPZ NOVI ANENY - address: Novi Aneni, st. Uzinelor, 30/1; phone: 0265 21274; el. mail: ccsm.aneniinoi@ms.md, Facebook page: ccsm.aneniinoi
2. Basarabeasca Gas Station - address: Basarabeasca, st. Munchi, 55; phone: 0297 20525; el. mail: ccsm.basarabeasca@ms.md; Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ccsm.basarabeasca.9
3. Briceni GCCP - address: Briceni, st. Mihai Eminescu, 48; phone: 0247 23685; el. mail: ccsm.briceni@ms.md, Facebook page: GCPZ Briceni
4. GCPZ BALTZI - address: mun. Balti, street Decebal 101V; phone: 0231 71011; el. mail: ccsm.balti@ms.md; Facebook page: Bălți Municipal Health Center
5. ГЦПЗ КАҐУЛ - address: мун. Cahul, street Stefan cel Mare, 27; phone: 0299 32709; el. mail: ccsm.cahul@ms.md; Facebook page: Cahul
6. GCPZ KANTEMIR - address: Kantemir, street N. Testemitanu, 22; phone: 0273 22462; el. mail: ccsm.cantemir@ms.md; Facebook page: Cantemir
7. GCPZ KALARASH - address: Kalarash, street Beaujolais, 1; phone: 0244 27015; el. mail: ccsm.calarasi@ms.md; Facebook page: GCPZ Călărași
8. PSC KEUSHENI - address: Keusheni, st. Ani and Alexandra, 14; phone: 0243 26847; el. mail: ccsm.causeni@ms.md; Facebook page: GCPZ Căușeni
9. GCP CHIMISHLIA - address: Chimishlia, street Alexandru cel Boone 135A; phone: 0241 26783; el. mail: ccsm.cimislia@ms.md; Facebook page: GCPZ Cimișlia;
10. GCPZ KRIULYANI - address: Kriulyani, street Stefan cel Mare 1; phone: 0248 25027; el. mail: ccsm.criuleni@ms.md; Facebook page: GCPZ Criuleni
11. GCPZ KOMRAT - address: Comrat, street Victoria 46; phone: 0298 22855; mail: ccsm.comrat@ms.md; Facebook page: GSP Comrat
12. Chadir-Lunga Gas Station - address: Chadir-Lunga, st. Michurina 2; phone: 0291 24031; el. mail: ccsm.ceadirlunga@ms.md;
13. GCPZ DONDUSHENI - address: Dondusheni, street Mihai Eminescu, 26/1; phone: 0251 21344; el. mail: ccsm.donduseni@ms.md;
14. GCPZ DROKIYA - address: Drokiya, street N. Testemitanu, 4/1; phone: 0252 24927; 0676 52999; el. mail: ccsm.drochia@ms.md; Facebook page: Drochia
15. GCPZ YEDINETS - address: Yedinets, street Independence, 81; phone: 0246 24967; el. mail: ccsm.edinet@ms.md; Facebook page: ГЦПЗ Edineț
16. GCPZ FALESHT - address: Falesht, street Stefan cel Mare, 36; phone: 0259 92717; el. mail: ccsm.falesti@ms.md; Facebook page: GCPZ Fălești
17. GCPZ FLORESHT - address: Floresht, street Stefan cel Mare, 37; phone: 0250 25447; el. mail: ccsm.floresti@ms.md; Facebook page: ГЦПЗ Florești
18. ОДLODEN GCPP - address: ОДloden, street Tricolorului, 2; phone: 0249 22881; el. mail: ccsm.glodeni@ms.md;
19. HINCESHT - address: Hinchesht, street Michalcha Hinku, 153; phone: 0269 23447; el. mail: ccsm.hincesti@ms.md; Facebook page: Hîncești;
20. Ialoveni Gas Station - address: Ialoveni, street Alexandru cel Boone, 7; phone: 0268 27550; el. mail: ccsm.ialoveni@ms.md; Facebook page: Ialoveni Public Health Center;
21. GOCPZ LEOVA - address: Leova, street Stefan cel Mare si Sfint, 63; telephone: 0263 23248, 0263 24563; el. mail: ccsm.leova@ms.md;
22. GCPZ NISPOREN - address: Nisporen, street Toma Chorba, 40; phone: 0264 23472; el. mail: ccsm.nisporeni@ms.md
23. GCPZ OKNITSA - address: Oknitsa, street Independence, 64; phone: 0271 23425; el. mail: ccsm.ocnita@ms.md;
24. GORPZ ORGEY - address: Orhei, street Negroes, 85; phone: 0235 21457; el. mail: ccsm.orhei@ms.md; Facebook page: Orhei;
25. GZPZ REZINA - address: Rezina, street A. Schuseva, 5; phone: 0254 21778; el. mail: ccsm.rezina@ms.md;
26. GISPZ RISHKAN - address: Rishkan, street Independence, 59; phone: 0256 21360; el. mail: ccsm.riscani@ms.md;
27. GCHPZ SYNGEREY - address: Singerei, st. N. Testemitanu, 11; phone: 0262 84450; el. mail: ccsm.singerei@ms.md; Facebook page: GSPZ Sîngerei
28. GCPZ SOROKA - address: Soroka, street M. Eminescu, 16; phone: 0230 21135; el. mail: ccsm.soroca@ms.md; Facebook page: GSPZ Soroca;
29. GTSPZ STRASHEN - address: Strashen, street Stefan cel Mare, 105; phone: 0237 22353; el. mail: ccsm.straseni@ms.md; Facebook page: GCPZ Strășeni;
30. SHOLDANESHT - address: Sholdanesht, st. N. Testemitanu, 11; phone: 027225055, 027222334; el. mail: ccsm.soldanesti@ms.md;
31. GTSPZ Stefan Stefan VODA - address: Stefan Voda, st. N. Testemitanu, 2; telephone: 0242 22476; el. mail: ccsm.stefanvoda@ms.md; Facebook page: GCPZ fantefan Vodă
32. TORAKLIA GCPZ - address: Taraklia, street Kotovsky, 2; phone: 0294 23252; el. mail: ccsm.taraclia@ms.md;
33. GCPZ TELENESHT - address: Telenesht, st. Stefan cel Mare, 5; phone: 0258 22164; el. mail: ccsm.telenesti@ms.md; Facebook page: ГЦПЗ Telenești
34. UNPEN - address: Ungen, street Romanian, 27; phone: 0236 23309; el. mail: ccsm.ungheni@ms.md; Facebook page: GCPZ Ungheni
35. Vulcanesti Public Health Center - address: Vulcanesti, street Carpenters, 59; phone: 0293 21946; el. mail: ccsm.vulcanesti@ms.md;
36. GOTPZ BOTANIKA (Chisinau) - address: Chisinau, street Independence 28/1; phone: 022 929788; el. mail: ccsm.botanica@ms.md; website: www.psi.md; Facebook page: Botanica;
37. GYPZ BUYUKANY (Chisinau) - address: Chisinau, street Jon Creange 24; phone: 022 741738; el. mail: ccsm.buiucani@ms.md; Facebook page: Buiucani;
38. GCPZ CENTER (Chisinau) - address: Chisinau, street V. Dokuchaev 11a; phone: 022 731440; el. mail: ccsm.centru@ms.md;
39. HCPZ CHOKAN (Chisinau) - address: Chisinau, street Uzinelor 23; phone: 022 477253; el. mail: ccsm.ciocana@ms.md;
40. RISKAN (Chisinau) - address: Chisinau, street Sokolen 19; phone: 022 464965; el. mail: ccsm.amtriscani@ms.md;