Strenghtening the legal and social support for asylum-seekers and refugees in Moldova
In 2008-2010 CCR was the implementing organization within the MATRA project. The CCR goal was to implement activities which would facilitate the integration of refugees and asylum-seekers in the host country.
CCR being one of the four implementing organizations in Moldova was responsible for:
1) Management of project activities coordinated by CCR including the socio-cultural orientation for new comers;
2) Contributing to common activities including developing common vision and division of tasks, brochure about rights and duties of asylum-seekers and refugees, website, development of volunteer policy and selection, training and guidance for volunteers, common case management system;
3) Participation in and contribution to trainings and workshops;
4) Communication with the Refugee Directorate from the Bureau for Migration and Asylum and national and regional stakeholders;
5) Assisting in the final evaluation of the project.