The Easter Holiday Light entered the houses and the souls of refugees
Although they have different faiths and they are from different places of the globe, the refugees and their children, every year are celebrating, together with all Christendom, the brightest and the most awaited day of the year- the Easter Holiday.
The beautiful initiative, which has already become a tradition, belongs to the CCR, which, with the support of UNHCR and Ave Copiii organized this celebration.
In the festive hall of CCR came almost all the UNHCR beneficiaries- the elderly, families and children, i.e. refugees, asylum seekers and the beneficiaries of humanitarian protection, for whom it was organized a show were took part adults and children.
On this occasion, the UNHCR Representative, Mr. Peter Kessler, addressed the most beautiful words to all the guests wishing them to enjoy the Light every day, and to be happy together with the loved ones for the peacefulness of their families here, in the host country or in the distant countries of origin.
The recited poems and the songs sung by children created a real festive mood, the clown from “Gugutsa” theater created an atmosphere of joy, and the contest with the theme EASTER- THE FEAST OF EVERYONE, has made that the most ingenious children to gain little gifts with surprises.
At the end of the ceremony, everyone was invited to the holiday table with sweets and Easter dishes, and received Easter cakes and gifts.
Lumina Sărbătorilor de Paşti a intrat şi în casele şi sufletele refugiaţilor
Deşi sunt de diferite confesiuni şi de pe diferite meridiane ale globului, refugiaţii şi copiii acestora, an de an, sărbătoresc, de rînd cu toată creştinătatea, cea mai Luminoasă şi mai aşteptată Zi a anului – Învierea Domnului Isus Hristos.
Frumoasa iniţiativă, devenită deja tradiţie, aparţine Centrului de Caritate pentru Refugiaţi, care, împreună cu suportul UNHCR şi Ave Copiii au organizat această sărbătoare.