In the refugee community in Moldova there are representatives of different cultures, however the most numerous are the African natives. At the initiative of the Charity Centre for Refugees there was organized the celebration of Africa Day at the beginning of June.
Annually all over the world this day is marked on May 25th, however it was decided to hold the celebration on June 3rd. Before the festive program began, there was displayed an exhibit of cultural, art and daily African objects. Visitors were greeted by the representatives of the continent in national clothing so that all those present could feel the African atmosphere. Mr. Peter Kessler, the representative of UNHCR Moldova, and Mr. Djavid Paknehad, the director of the Charity Center for Refugees, addressed all the persons present and congratulated the African community on the African Day. Doctor Ahmad Balul presented a short review of the history, culture and art of the African nationalities, and everyone had a possibility to ask questions related to the topic. By the end of presentation, the African natives performed national dances. In their turn, children of refugees have decided to congratulate them, performing Moldovan songs and dances. The main objective of this celebration was to effectuate the cultural exchange between refugees and local population, which will facilitate their integration, and also to increase the level of tolerance among the local population towards the natives of other countries.
Annually all over the world this day is marked on May 25th, however it was decided to hold the celebration on June 3rd. Before the festive program began, there was displayed an exhibit of cultural, art and daily African objects. Visitors were greeted by the representatives of the continent in national clothing so that all those present could feel the African atmosphere. Mr. Peter Kessler, the representative of UNHCR Moldova, and Mr. Djavid Paknehad, the director of the Charity Center for Refugees, addressed all the persons present and congratulated the African community on the African Day. Doctor Ahmad Balul presented a short review of the history, culture and art of the African nationalities, and everyone had a possibility to ask questions related to the topic. By the end of presentation, the African natives performed national dances. In their turn, children of refugees have decided to congratulate them, performing Moldovan songs and dances. The main objective of this celebration was to effectuate the cultural exchange between refugees and local population, which will facilitate their integration, and also to increase the level of tolerance among the local population towards the natives of other countries.
Celebrarea Zilei Africii
În comunitatea de refugiati din Republica Moldova sunt reprezentanţi ai diferitelor culturi, însă cele mai numerosi sunt nativii din Africa. La iniţiativa Centrului de Caritate pentru Refugiaţi a fost organizata celebrarea Zilei Africii, la începutul lunii iunie.
Anual, peste tot în lume această zi este marcată pe 25 mai, însă s-a decis ca celebrarea să se organizeze pe 3 iunie. Înainte de inceperea programului festiv, a fost afişată o expozitie de obiecte culturale, de artă şi de zi cu zi din Africa. Vizitatorii au fost întâmpinaţi de către reprezentanţi ai continentului, în haine naţionale, astfel încât toţi cei prezenţi sa poata simti atmosfera din Africa. Domnul Peter Kessler, reprezentant al ICNUR Moldova, şi Dl Djavid Paknehad, director al Centrului de Caritate pentru Refugiaţi, s-a adresat tuturor persoanelor prezente şi a felicitat comunitatea africana cu Ziua Africii. Doctorul Ahmad Balul a facut o scurtă relatare despre istoria, cultura şi arta naţionalităţilor din Africa, şi toţi au avut posibilitatea de a pune întrebări legate de subiect. Până la sfârşitul prezentării, băştinaşii africani au efectuat dansuri naţionale. La rândul lor, copiii de refugiaţi s-au decis să-i felicite, evoluind cu cântece şi dansuri moldoveneşti. Obiectivul principal al acestei sărbători a fost de a efectua schimbul cultural între refugiaţi şi populaţia locală, care va facilita integrarea lor, şi, de asemenea, pentru a creşte nivelul de toleranţă în rândul populaţiei locale faţă de nativii din alte ţări.