On 11th of December 2020, the Charity Centre for Refugees (CCR) in the framework of the UNHCR project organized an online informative session for refugee and asylum-seeking men.
Ms. Ecaterina Silvestru – CCR’s Employment Counsellor – provided information on the actual COVID-19 situation worldwide and in the Republic of Moldova, the impact of the pandemic on the labour market and discrimination at the workplace in this context. The participants were informed about the aspects of violence and discrimination at the workplace and how they should act in such cases.
CCR staff highlighted the importance of being aware of this problem. After the presentation, some of the present men talked with the participants about the faced problems at the workplace and how difficult was to find a new job after losing the previous one, because of the impossibility of the director to pay them salary.
At the informative session participated 22 persons, including 15 refugee and asylum-seeking men from Syria, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Ukraine, Belarus and Yemen. CCR’s staff, including its Director (Mr. Ahmad Djavid Paknehad) was very glad to see and hear – even if just online – everybody who has joined to the session and encouraged participants to address any concern regarding this problem in order to find proper solutions.
Paknehad Șabnam-Cristina – CCR’s Deputy Director