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Eid Al Adha 2018

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On 23rd of August 2018 the Charity Centre for Refugees (CCR) in collaboration with the United Arab Emirates Embassy in Kyiv and Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Humanitarian and Charity Establishment organised Eid Al Adha, a Muslim celebration to honor the sacrifice.

The event had the goal to strengthen community-building of the refugees and support preservation of their cultural identity.

The event took place in restaurant ”Oasis” (whose owner is a Palestinian refugee) where came more than 180 people. All participants enjoyed a celebration meal and during the event refugee and asylum-seeking children received two types of gifts: school supplies (for school children) and art supplies (for preschool children). Also, refugee women received gifts.

CCR and refugee community in Moldova would like to express its gratitude to above mentioned donors for the offered support.

Doina Crăciun, CCR Project Assistant