On 23rd of April, Charity Centre for Refugees (CCR), partner of UNHCR Moldova and BMA, organised and coordinated a meeting of local group of students with representative of the UNHCR Moldova, Bureau for Migration and Asylum and Islamic League Assalam in Moldova to openly discuss refugees’ issues in Moldova and stereotypes related to Muslim refugees.
Mr. Sergiu Găina, representative of the UNHCR Moldova, described refugees’ situation in the Republic of Moldova and UNHCR role in removing stereotypes. The Head of Asylum and Integration Directorate from BMA, Mr. Iulian Popov described the role of BMA in refugee status determination and refugees’ integration.
The main subject was described by Mr. Ismail, who is Imam of the Mosque and professor of Physics at UTM. He talked about the role of Islam and provisions of Quran in promotion of peace and acceptance. He, also, detached realities from miths about Muslim refugees, noticing that Islam does not accept violence in any form and none of the terrorist acts and violent behaviour are dictated by Quran.
Students, also, had the possibility to communicate, interract and discuss the subject with the group of refugees present at the event.
The event had the scope to raise awareness amongst local population and eliminate common stereotypes about Muslim community.
Daria Stupina- local volunteer