Sport day for asylum seekers and international volunteers

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Sport is a great opportunity to make friends and a way of getting people active and involved. Being moved from this belief, Ms. Sofia Gonzales, Spanish EVS volunteer currently working at the Charity Centre for Refugees (CCR), an implementing partner of UNHCR Moldova, agreed in advance with the administration of the Temporary Accommodation Centre and on September 1st took the initiative of organizing a sport event for the residents of the Centre.

Ms. Sofia gathered asylum seekers and international volunteers presently working in different organisations in Chisinau for a friendly volleyball competition. At the beginning, the volunteers’ team played against the asylum seekersone but soon they mixed up, ending up playing more than one match. Those who were not interested in volleyball had opportunity to play ping pong or to support their favourite team.
After the competition, CCR invited all participants for some refreshments. This was a valuable moment for relaxing, sharing each other opinions and exchanging knowledge in a multicultural environment.

The initiative of organising such event allowed participants to make new acquaintances, to learn how to play and cooperate in a multicultural team with different language backgrounds. The happy faces of the people who were torn apart from their own families and who left behind them their homes gave a confirmation regarding the successful result of the event!
CCR expresses its gratitude to Ms. Sofia Gonzales and to international volunteers for efforts which deeply benefited asylum seeker and refugee community.
Sofia Gonzales – EVS volunteer from Spain at CCR
Marco ResidoriEVS volunteer from Italy at CCR