Spring holidays in Moldova – Mărţişor and International Women Day

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As a tradition, the Charity Centre for Refugees (CCR) organized on the 4th of March an event dedicated to Spring holidays in Moldova – Martisor and the International Women Day. This day was not only an opportunity to celebrate the importance of women’s figure, but a chance to get familiar with the Moldovan traditions in celebrating the Spring holidays. At the beginning, as the guests were arriving, a Martisor (a traditional talisman from Moldova) has been given to each of them as welcome gift.

CCR’s Director, Mr. Djavid Paknehad, held the opening speech thanking all the participants and underlining the importance of the celebration’s meaning. Among the many of invited persons, we welcomed the presence of Mr. Traian Turcanu, Head of UNHCR Moldova. After welcoming and congratulating the guests, he held a speech about the beauty of the Women’s day in Moldova, as well as the input of  this day on the human rights, especially the fight for women’s rights in the world.

After the opening greetings, the animators of the CCR continued with a presentation about the meaning of Martisor and the 8th of March in the Republic of Moldova, as well as a photo presentation of the works performed by the beneficiaries during previous workshops. The feast was colored by bright artistical performances, such Indian dances, poems interpreted by children in various languages, and certainly Moldovan songs. The commemoration included a lottery whose prizes were distributed to the winners and a refreshment offered to the guests at the end of the afternoon in a cheering atmosphere.

The event was organized with the aim to offer to the beneficiaries another warm day, where they could learn new traditions, participate at entertaining exercises, interract with local people, receive and offer gifts and flowers, as such, to get new insights and habits to integration, and feel more comfortable in our society.

Elenore Andersson – EVS volunteer from Sweden at CCR
Maria Pîslaraş – CCR Project Assistant