Call for Proposals: #1
Deadline for Submission of Files: December 15, 2024; 23:59:59
Procurement Procedure: Call for Proposals
Selection Based on Cost
Type of Contract: Works Execution Contract
The NGO Charity Centre for Refugees is implementing the project “Development of Community Services for Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Moldova”, funded by UNHCR Moldova.
As part of this project, the acquisition of repair works is planned for spaces serving refugees and asylum seekers in the Republic of Moldova.
In this regard, we request proposals for repair works for the additional space (basement) at the community center located at 31 August 1989 Street, 87V, Chișinău.
📌 Financial and Technical Offer – must comply with the Terms of Reference.
We expect the financial offer to indicate VAT at 0%.
The participation file must include documents in accordance with the Instructions for Bidders and the Terms of Reference.
The file must be submitted in compliance with the requirements stated in the Terms of Reference and in strict adherence to the procedure outlined in the Instructions for Bidders.
The participation file should be sent via email to the following address:
After submitting the proposals, please ensure your submission has been received by the Charity Centre for Refugees by obtaining a confirmation email. The organization is only responsible for confirmed offers.