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CCR at the Ethnic Festival

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The Charity Centre for Refugees (CCR), partner of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Moldova (UNHCR) and the Bureau of Migration and Asylum in Moldova (BMA) participated on 24th of September at the Ethnic Festival organized by the Bureau of Inter-ethnic Relations in the Republic of Moldova. The event, that was at the 16th edition, and gathered hundreds of Moldovans who came to celebrate diversity and to find out more about culture of the minorities that live in our country such as Armenians, Georgians, Russians, Ukrainians, Belorussians, Azerbaijanis, Lithuanians, Roma and Gagauz people etc.

CCR had the opportunity to present the organization, its aim, goals and the main services and activities it carries out for refugees in Moldova. At the event participated many refugees and asylum seekers that were interested to meet minorities from our country and present their own culture, especially to the Moldovans in order to develop a positive and friendly attitude towards them. During the event CCR staff, volunteers and refugees spoke to the visitors, exchanged contacts with other organizations interested in partnership and enjoyed a peaceful and charming atmosphere supported by music, traditional dishes and clothes of the minorities in Moldova.

Doina Crăciun, Volunteers’ Coordinator