Celebration of International Women’s Day

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In many countries of the world, the 8th of March is considered to be the International Women’s day. Moldova does not make an exception and here this day is widely celebrated.
On the 4th of March 2011, on the occasion of this important day, with the support of UNHCR in the Republic of Moldova, the Charity Centre for Refugees organized a celebration for refugee and asylum seeking women and their daughters on the premises of the CCR.

Among the guests there were the Representative of UNHCR Moldova Mr. Peter Kessler and his colleagues. Mr. Peter Kessler congratulated all refugee women on this special day. The program of this celebration included congratulations, poems, dances and songs performed by refugee and local children. At the end of the event there were distributed sweets and soft drinks. Gifts and flowers were provided by the Save the Children NGO.

Celebrarea zilei internationale a femeii

În multe ţări ale lumii, 8 Martie este considerată a fi ziua Internatională a FemeilorMoldova nu face o excepţie,  şi aici această zi este sărbătorită pe scară largă.
Pe data de 4 martie 2011, cu ocazia acestei zile importante,  cu sprijinul ICNUR în Republica Moldova,  Centrul de Caritate pentru Refugiaţi a organizat o sărbătoare pentru femeile refugiate şi solicitante de azil şi fiicele lor, la sediul CCR.
Printre invitaţi a fost  Reprezentantul ICNUR Moldova, dl Peter Kessler şi colegii săi. Dl Peter Kessler a felicitat toate femeile refugiate în această zi specială. Programul sărbătorii a inclus felicitări, poezii, dansuri şi cântece interpretate de copiii refugiaţi şi locali. La finalul evenimentului au fost distribuite dulciuri şi băuturi răcoritoare. Cadouri si flori au fost oferite de către ONG-ul Salvaţi Copiii.