FARE ACTION WEEK for union and diversity at CCR

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On Saturday 17th October 2015 the Charity Center for Refugees in collaboration with FARE Network (Football Against Racism in Europe), UNHCR Moldova and Football Association in Moldova organized a football tournament with the intent to send a strong signal against racism and xenophobia through sport.

In the late morning participants of the day arrived at CCR’s office to take part in the round table. Refugees, asylum seekers, EVS volunteers and locals entertained a lively debate about the need to live in a multicultural and tolerant society with the representatives of UNHCR, Fatima NGO, European Delegation, the Moldovan Football Federation and CCR.After the panel discussion ended, the football tournament started. There took place three matches and as the result of an intensive and fair game, refugees’ team took 1st  place, European volunteers  2nd , the locals 3rd and the mixed team of locals and volunteers ranked 4th. Cups were awarded to Refugees and Volunteers’ teams, while diplomas were distributed to all the participants.

Many spectators were supporting the teams with FARE balloons and flags that were prepared by refugee women and children the Saturday before, while the area of the stadium was embellished with FARE posters and slogans.The day was a good opportunity to know each other, share experiences and play sport in a friendly atmosphere. In relation to this, on 18 October 2015, CCR alongside refugees and European volunteers took initiative of supporting also Fatima NGO football match.CCR’s team is sharing a sincere gratitude to all the players, refugees, locals, European volunteers and the different organizations that took part in the sport event. What is more important, the participants’ enthusiasm has strongly motivated CCR to organize as soon as possible other similar events!

Celeste Panno–EVS volunteer from Italy at CCR
Federica Pulcini EVS volunteer from Italy at CCR
Inga Roman – CCR Project Assistant