Charity Centre for Refugees (CCR), partner of United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and Bureau of Migration and Asylum (BMA) in Republic of Moldova organized on 30th of August an informative event for refugees and asylum seekers in order to celebrate Independence Day and Language Day “Limba Noastra” at Temporary Accommodation Centre.
During the event asylum seekers and refugees had the opportunity to find out more information about the historical events that lead to the creation of the state Republic of Moldova as well as the national symbols as flag, anthem and emblem. Also, the beneficiaries were informed about the most interesting facts about Moldova like its touristic places, wineries, traditional dishes, customs and language. The event had the aim to facilitate the integration of refugees and asylum seekers in the Moldovan society by finding out basic and specific information about the country and its people.
Doina Crăciun, Volunteers’ Coordinator