The Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) have signed on Wednesday, 19th of May 2021, at UNHCR’s headquarters in Geneva, by Michele Uva – UEFA Football and Social Responsibility Director – and Filippo Grandi – UN High Commissioner for Refugees – a Cooperation Protocol to support refugee access to sport and enhance social inclusion.
The Protocol commits the two organisations to establish long-term initiatives to support refugees and forcibly displaced people by harnessing the transformative power of football to assist and uphold their rights and strengthen their integration in their host communities.
The partnership will also encourage close cooperation on the ground between UEFA’s member associations and UNHCR offices across Europe.
To read more about this partnership, you can follow the next link:
In 2019/2020, the Charity Centre for Refugees (CCR) in Moldova, together with the Football Association of Moldova (FAM), had a great collaboration within the won grant, namely “UEFA Football and Refugees Grant Scheme” dedicated entirely to the refugee community, and, of course, to the king of all sports – FOOTBALL. During one year, CCR and FAM had the opportunity to make different activities and events, and showed that football has no race, skin color, religion, spoken language and culture, and units everybody together.
CCR’s team and the whole refugee community bring their gratitude to the donor – UEFA – and to its partner – FAM – for such a wonderful and fruitful collaboration!
Stay healthy!
Paknehad Șabnam-Cristina – CCR’s Deputy Director