In the framework of the “16 days of activism against gender-based violence” campaign marked annually in the period 25 November – 10 December, the Charity Centre for Refugees (CCR) with the support of UNHCR and in collaboration with the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women in the Republic of Moldova (UN Women Moldova) organized an online information session for refugee, asylum-seeking and mixed family women and girls. The event aimed at raising awareness of the refugee community on gender-based violence issue.
Participants got informed about domestic violence phenomenon worldwide and in the Republic of Moldova, including the aim of the campaign which this year states to “Orange the World: Fund, Respond, Prevent, Collect!” in order to support and protect victims of the gender-based violence. Mrs. Nighina Azizov – the Program Analyst, Violence Against Women and Girls (UN Women Moldova) – explained to women and girls what the violence means, how the authorities protect the victims and why is important to create an environment free of gender stereotypes. Participants found out, also, the statistics in field for the Republic of Moldova, the problems which women face when decide to stop the violence and leave the abuser and which services victims can access.
Women could discuss the aspects they are interested in with the UN Women’s representative such as violence at the work place and violence that affects children at school.
Ms. Riikka Peltonen Quijano, representative the Regional Office of UNHCR in Budapest, specialized on SGBV issue provided her appreciation for attending such event. She highlighted the importance of being aware of the gender-based violence during pandemic.
At the informative session participated around 55 women and girls from the refugee community (Syria, Turkey, Iraq, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Iran, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Moldova), CCR’s staff, UN Women representative and UNHCR’s Budapest representative.
CCR brings its gratitude to Mrs. Nighina Azizov and Mrs. Riikka Peltonen Quijano for their time and collaboration and wishes everybody to be healthy!
Paknehad Șabnam-Cristina – CCR’s Deputy Director