The Charity Centre for Refugees (CCR), partner of UNHCR Moldova and Bureau of Migration and Asylum, participated on 11th of December at the National Day of the State of Qatar.
At the invitation of the Embassy of the State of Qatar in Moldova, the director of CCR, Mr. Djavid Paknehad and his colleague were present to express the congratulation on behalf of the refugee community that was supported by the State of Qatar through its Embassy.
H.E. Mr. Hamad Rashid Al-Athba, Charged with affairs shared information regarding the situation of the State of Qatar, thanked the Government of the Republic of Moldova for its friendly attitude during the 5 years of existence of the Embassy of the State of Qatar in Chisinau, telling that he would like to continue the collaboration.
The Director of CCR brought his gratitude to the Embassy of the State of Qatar and wishes to have for the future a fruitful and long-lasting collaboration.
Doina Crăciun- Project Assistant