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Round table on SGBV prevention and protection

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On 27th November 2018 the Charity Centre for Refugees (CCR), partner of UNHCR Moldova and Bureau for Migration and Asylum in RM, organised a round table for refugee and asylum-seeking women about addressing sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV).

At the event participated refugee and asylum-seeking women from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Turkey that were interested to find out methods of SGBV prevention, identifying, understanding and addressing its root cause and contributing factors.

On the other hand, the expert from Promo-Lex that led the discussions, Ms. Lilia Poting, explained the protection that victims are entitle to receive from state authorities. Also, our beneficiaries were informed regarding the mechanisms of protection according to the national law and NGOs that provide various services for SGBV victims.

CCR would like to express its gratitude to the UN Women Moldova and Promo-Lex Association that supported our activity. CCR plans to continue with a series of round tables for refugee and asylum-seeking women in order to raise awareness on the phenomenon.

Doina Crăciun- CCR Project Assistant